North Carolina

this is random but would it hurt to leave a possibly bad egg in the incubator with the ones doing well?

If it stinks throw it out....if you are just not sure if it has quit or not....lock it down.

Got a house... The house.. Will be living in Pittsboro, nc starting in august. Chickens will have a new home! And I can have a rooster or two!

Well, lost Tuffy yesterday apperently.
DH doesn't know what happened. But everything else seems to be fine. On the other hand the trip to CA was great and the visit so far is great.
I hate this tablet thing that DH sent me with, it keeps fixing the words I want to ones it wants, which ain't right.
Sorry to hear of your loss...
Ya know...sometimes spell check is a good thing
P.S. RF & CSB.............. Miraculously...Bunsarella had 2 babies... "Never been with the boys" .... she must be the next immaculate conception.
Hello fellow poultry loving nc'ers!!! We are new here from Casar, NC between hickory and shelby, nc.......we raise blue/blue wheaten true ameraucanas, blue pymouth rocks, buff orphingtons, golden laced wyandottes, bannies, pekin ducks, indian runner ducks, buff orphington ducks, etc..............
[COLOR=008080]P.S.  RF & CSB..............  Miraculously...Bunsarella had 2 babies...  "Never been with the boys"  .... she must be the next immaculate conception.    :confused:     :gig [/COLOR]
well that's why I have only one bunny, no way its having babies by itsself.

This ain't spell checking the words I can do and. Android. Pop up instead with the period behind it And the and.
Hello fellow poultry loving nc'ers!!! We are new here from Casar, NC between hickory and shelby, nc.......we raise blue/blue wheaten true ameraucanas, blue pymouth rocks, buff orphingtons, golden laced wyandottes, bannies, pekin ducks, indian runner ducks, buff orphington ducks, etc..............
Welcome! We go out that way for barrel races and such =]

The foxes came back last night.
They hit the cockerel pen under the barn lean-to and got four. One lavender, which they ate in the back pasture and left feathers and a few guts behind, and three mixes, which they took away completely. Judging by the several feather explosions in a kinda circle, they used the lavender to teach the young ones how to pounce.
Poor guy. The door to that pen has never shut well, and I guess they figured that out last night and squeezed through. I'll move the remaining cockerels to a smaller but more secure pen this evening until that one is repaired. Hubby also plans to put the same type of buried and angled wire around the older henhouse/juvenile detention center, just in case. Never needed it before, but seems we do now.

Aside from that, it's still a lovely morning, so Good Morning Everyone. Stay cool out there.
Good Morning Everyone!!

Sorry to those of you who experienced some losses!!

On a nonchicken note: DH was able to figure out the pool thing and so once I finish inflating it, I should be able to let the girls play in it...perfect for the horrible heat wave we're in store for this weekend. Have a great day and try to stay cool!!
Good morning, everyone!

I'm really nervous about this heatwave and my animals. I am supposed to go out of town to take care of some things at my dad's river house, but I'm considering staying home to take care of the animals in a way that I can't really ask my "sitter" to do (ice, changing out water, fans, watering garden, and generally knowing if everyone's actually doing ok). I also have a batch of chicks getting ready to hatch, and I was hoping they would hatch early, but I just candled and they look like they are still gonna be a couple of days, not time for lockdown yet. Bad time for me to leave :( We'll see.

I am hoping the best for you all, and for your animals, in the heat! Take care out there.
The foxes came back last night.
They hit the cockerel pen under the barn lean-to and got four. One lavender, which they ate in the back pasture and left feathers and a few guts behind, and three mixes, which they took away completely. Judging by the several feather explosions in a kinda circle, they used the lavender to teach the young ones how to pounce.
Poor guy. The door to that pen has never shut well, and I guess they figured that out last night and squeezed through. I'll move the remaining cockerels to a smaller but more secure pen this evening until that one is repaired. Hubby also plans to put the same type of buried and angled wire around the older henhouse/juvenile detention center, just in case. Never needed it before, but seems we do now.

Aside from that, it's still a lovely morning, so Good Morning Everyone. Stay cool out there.

I read all the posts from you all about the predators and have tried to fortify my little coop/run (hardware cloth on the sides, bottom lined with fencing, coon-proof latches on the doors, etc.). My four girls have their own little yard I let them enjoy when I'm at home - one side is the house, one is the coop/run/gate, two sides 6 ft. fencing (I live in a town). There is a huge magnolia overlooking part of that "yard" and just yesterday I was looking into it wondering if owls and hawks could be checking out my girls. Anyway, this morning, just as I was reading Hollowoak's post about the foxes, my friend came by (she's my chicken-sitter too!) and when I opened the door I heard a ruckus like you wouldn't believe, she said there was a strange cat on the other side of the fence she and her dog had just chased off. The girls were VERY upset when I ran back there! I have 2 cats who never go there and my two dogs were in the house with me but they are not exactly friends with the chickens. So I guess I can't let the girls out unless I'm back there. DH does not like the idea of putting netting between the coop and fences.

DH did just last night (without me even asking!!!) installed a small ventilation fan in the coop.

He also came home while friend and I were talking in the back yard, said someone in the neighborhood saw three guys last night going between our house and neighbor's (opposite side of chicken pen, unfenced) so now I have other predators to worry about. Lot's of stolen stuff in the neighborhood lately, hope they catch those jerks.

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