North Carolina

WooHoo! What an awesome day! All the livestock were fed by daybreak, and I've gotten the feed room cleaned out as well. I did a good job organizing last time, so it really didn't take long. I just had to sort out some stuff hubby had taken out there and left in the middle of the floor, label some things, and sweep it out. It's 16 x 30, and I'm not currently storing hay in there, so it's pretty open.

I also managed to get on the lawn tractor and drive it! I couldn't do it last year, so that's an improvement! I'll need to make something to hold at least one crutch in case I need to move something out the way, but this summer I get to do the mowing! (Mowing is peaceful thinking time, and I like it.)

Now off to pick up trash from Reilly chewing things up! I have chores I could be doing inside, but they'll wait until it turns cold again, I think!

sounds like yall had a very productive day....phew....makes me tired :th But we missed you at the WCA and all them goodies you always bring:pop
I'm hoping to come next week, if anyone's going to be there. I want to bring up a couple turkeys for a friend, and get some visiting time in. And feed people treats, too, of course. Congrats on the new Roos. What'd ya get?
we'll be there next weekend....we go about every sunday....its our date
I got a Red Shoulder Yokohama Roo and a Blue Breasted Cubalaya Roo....been wantin some for a while and they just happen to be there today
we have been talking about gettin our tom turkey another hen....he's only got one.....kinda favorin a blue slate hen if we can run across one cheap enough
well I had a great time at WCA today with everyone. Did miss you being there Hollow!

to all the new flockers

cute chicks your getting

Bhep is a great source for birds of all kinds
all the new flock owners.
I was wondering if yall know anyone around here that has Bobwhites and the French Guineas?
We are looking to getting some and I would rather support a local NCer then a hatchery.
I hope I get to meet some of yall at show's and swaps this year.
Hope yall had a Great Holiday season and a have a very happy new year that just keeps on giving.
    we'll be there next weekend....we go about every sunday....its our date
I got a Red Shoulder Yokohama Roo and a Blue Breasted Cubalaya Roo....been wantin some for a while and they just happen to be there today:woot we have been talking about gettin our tom turkey another hen....he's only got one.....kinda favorin a blue slate hen if we can run across one cheap enough
Those are gorgeous in photos, but I can't recall ever seeing one in person. I'll be getting some blue slate hatching eggs in the mail before too long.
all the new flock owners.
I was wondering if yall know anyone around here that has Bobwhites and the French Guineas?
We are looking to getting some and I would rather support a local NCer then a hatchery.
I hope I get to meet some of yall at show's and swaps this year.
Hope yall had a Great Holiday season and a have a very happy new year that just keeps on giving.

We have Bobwhites. Are you interested in eggs or chicks?
Good morning folks

It was good seeing folks at WCA but those
bleacher seats are a killer for me. I should
have stayed home and got some gators
moved but I just couldn't resist going to
hang out with good company.

looks like my area may miss out on the rain
for today........we could really use the water

hope everyone has a good day

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