North Carolina

Good Morning, Happy People....even if it is Monday. We're already closing in on another Friday, right?

We've already fed and got the sheep loaded. Easiest load up ever. Since we gave them treats while shearing, and the ones not on the stand simply ran around in the feed room, they wanted to come inside. We always back the truck with the cage on it up to the feedroom door, since it's a raised floor, and then we don't have to pick them up, just a ramp works. This time, they were so excited to be allowed back in the feedroom they ran through it, straight up the ramp and into the truck like they were trained to do it. Hubby just left with them. It's his first time taking them up alone and handling the order, so I typed it all up for him.

Now it's time to get off to work! In just a few hours, Monday will be over! Yay!

Enjoy your day, everyone!
Good Morning everyone!! BOY you all sure talk a LOT!!
I take the weekend off to do some outside chores and come back to OODLES of pages!! Glad things are going well for everyone (especially you Wild!!
) WELCOME to all the new people!!

We spent the warm weekend playing outside, remodeling the quarantine pen into a Juvi pen and found a fatal flaw in DH's brooder design. While the door on the top was a GREAT idea to put food/water did NOT make for an easy time getting chicks out and moved to their new home. However, after 3 trips, we got all 15 girls moved and they were SO excited to have some grass to scratch around in...more room to play and bedding to toss around and make a mess in!! My youngest (who turned 9 months on Saturday
) sat outside just "talking" up a storm to the chicks and it was SO cute to watch!! Cadbury (the drake) would come and "patrol" around her occasionally sniffing her for treats (which she LOVED). The other ducks and chickens stayed away but the guineas surrounded her and LOUDLY protested her being so close to the chicks (that or they were protesting the chicks, who knows with them) and kept trying to get at the chicks food while staying FAR away from Miss Grabby-Hands aka Chubs (hey, I can call her chubs until she's old enough to know what it means and by then hopefully she will have outgrown her baby fat....and chubby babies are cute, so THERE!! LOL).

This warm weather has my gardening hands ITCHING to get started...which means DH will be finishing the greenhouse NEXT weekend (he is away this weekend on business...BOOO) and I can start planting!!
That will keep me happy for a little while. Sometime in Feb we are having a few dump truck loads of dirt (topsoil) brought in to supplement our garden and DH will be making a raised "style" bed - he's planning on framing our two plots with fallen trees from the woods!! LOTS of work to be done in Feb....if anyone has the NEED to get their hands dirty...come on over!! Hehe!! (Had to try!!)

I am off to a doctor's appointment to see if we can determine when this baby will be gracing us with his/her presence!! Just so long as it isn't on DD1's birthday, I don't have a preference...just not her birthday!! (Every child deserves to have their own special day, right? LOL) I'm praying for the end of June...I don't want to go into July again!! NC summers are KILLER for pregnant women who are NOT accustomed to NC summers!! LOL

Have a great day everyone!!

P.S. Hollow - I am so jealous!! We're trying desperately to get a Jersey gal (the cow NOT one from the show...LOL) but we just don't have the space for it yet. Can I come live in your barn?? LOL
They lay for a short time in the spring. Yours may have been a bit young to lay last year. Start watching for eggs in March-ish (with this crazy weather, who knows what's going to happen with any of our birds, huh?)

I am so impatient !! They are such sweet little birds....especially when I come baring treats
Kinda boring at the moment. I got one solid black hen, two black copper hens and one white hen with penciling in her neck and tail covered by a light cream, yellow and copper roo. ( sorry about my roos tail it got pulled out along with the white hes, just now half grown back)


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