North Carolina

NewHomesteader2010 posted While the door on the top was a GREAT idea to put food/water did NOT make for an easy time getting chicks out and moved ts their new home.

Note to self.... when I build my new brooder add side door as well as top door. thanks, I would have done the same thing.

Great weekend, warm, let everyone out to play, built new laying boxs as we moved 6 teenagers in with the Summer babies, adding a new flock and waiting a couple of more weeks to move the rest, 13, to a new coop. Redid some of the older coops and of course had to go to the dump. Why is it when it gets warm the first time women think SPRING CLEANING??? The dump was full of men dumping stuff and we all agreed, it's still winter. sighs...

one a final note. why do I live on the east side, close to New Bern and everyone else lives in central and western NC. Makes making the Shows, swaps and other fun things nearly impossible. I have too many animals to care for to lose a complete day traveling and having fun. sheesh...

NO one lives near me, I just have to live vicariously through you guys' trips to WCA, buying, trading and all that cool fun stuff
But like you one day I will make it to one! somehow, someway, someday, Meanwhile..... my poor girls are soaked, well Wendell is too, but he's a male they can handle it right? It has poured all day, flash flooding all around.... geez
So today i talked to my about my birthday in March, she says "yeah what about it." I say "we'll have a car by then. Right?" She smiles "yesss." So I told her for my birthday I want to go to WCA. She reminds me its over 3 hours from our house. I told/reminded her, she used to wake us up at 5 am for a surprise 4 hour drive to the beach, whats the difference. I WON!!! :celebrate WCA here I come :woot
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So today i talked to my about my birthday in March, she says "yeah what about it." I say "we'll have a car by then. Right?" She smiles "yesss." So I told her for my birthday I want to go to WCA. She reminds me its over 3 hours from our house. I told/reminded her, she used to wake us up at 5 am for a surprise 4 hour drive to the beach, whats the difference. I WON!!!
WCA here I come
when you going, coopscoop and I are out for next weekend

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