North Carolina

gotta wait til daylight to see if any of my birds still have feathers left
hope all made it through the night alright

Morning, Folks.

Meredith, I hope you are feeling okay physically this morning. Your emotions and hormones are going to be in an uproar for a while. Please recognize that part of that is going to be hormone rearrangement. Part will, of course, be mourning. Try not to let the hormones take over. Hugs, Honey.

Welcome to the new folks. We're a close flock here; you'll like it!

Heading in to work early this morning to see if I can get enough done that I don't have to spend the weekend grading!
Enjoy the day!
Wild I am so sorry for your loss.

So far we have not had any losses due to predators or weather
We are getting 8 eggs a day from our 12 hens, I was getting a green egg every day or so then she stopped laying again. No blue eggs yet. But our weather has been wacky. Mr. Black (black rooster) is doing a good job with his 3 guinea enforcers. LOL begining to think I have 3 girls and no boy guineas. At least Mr. Black has stopped trying to have his way with my dog. She was getting a little put out with all the fuss. LOL

Convinced my dh to build me a coop complex.

Now he is talking about ducks. Chicken math at work.
I am new
I don't understand and probably never will. Why does every place want to hold a flock swap on the same day?? When you do this your potential buyers and sellers are all over at the closet one to them.  There's now 3 for this Saturday :th

I am new to byc, is there a flock swap near Charlotte,nc this weekend? How do I find out this information other than byc?
Not sure Luke... I am going to get my paper work from RF and mail it in..It is free. Wish NC and the people running the swaps would be more clear with these rules.

I was going to go and sell a few birds this weekend but can't afford a fine......guess I shall be staying home(probably a good thing since there is SOOO much to do at home)

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