North Carolina

That is where you start getting into 'iffy' territory. It depends whether the store is owned and not a lease. Whether the parking lot or area used for the swap is part of the store and private property or if it is a public lot that several stores use. Then the parking lot must be on the same property deed as the store. Then also if the swap is advertised as a public sell where anyone can come and sell or only those invited. blah...blah...blah.

I do know that the first Flock swap that NCPoultry had several years ago at the Statesville TSC was checked. I did not go to that one and that is the only time I have ever heard about a State Vet showing up to check. Those with out a Greencard were given a copy of the form to fill out and send in. That was all.


Thanks Matt... I have been to 4-5 swaps and never seen or known of anyone coming out. Now at the auction..the state sends people out to swab the birds randomly.
Good morning folks

another windy day or so the weatherman says.....
I don't mind wind too much or cold but the two
together just seems to go right through me and
thats alot to go through

good thing the birds don't seem to mind it

hope everyone has a good day
Good Morning Chicken Folks!!
Welcome to all the new folks I missed!!
Wild - There are NO words one can heart breaks for you and I will continue to pray for you and your situation! I can't say when, but time really does heal all wounds - some will never be fully healed, but will be manageable. Rest, recover, and allow yourself to heal! If you need anything/anyone please don't hesitate to PM me!! In between DD1 & DD2 we lost a baby and I can certainly empathize!

This wind did us in the other day. The gusts were so bad, they picked up my 150# tub of chicken feed and knocked it over. Let's just say I managed to flip it back over and only lost a "bit" of feed (it was probably enough to last everyone 3-4 days!!
) but it made for one EXCITING morning. All this wind caused the door to the run to shut and locked all the birds out last night...which was PERFECT as we herded the ducks & chickens into the coop, kicking the guineas out!! I was worried for a little while, BUT the
cat darted outside and in all the "excitement" (she was outside for probably 2 hours...much to my terror) it seems the cat's presence caused the guineas to....ROOST IN THE TREES for the FIRST time!!!!!!!!
Even though they are EVIL, I was worried that they would sleep next to the coop (like they have been doing if one gets left out or they get booted) but DH pointed them out this morning..hanging out in the tree! Now

Off Chicken topic question: I was hoping for some advice. I was asked to make a casserole for a bereavement "dinner" and I was wondering what your thoughts were on say a breakfast casserole? I know SO many people bring casseroles that are all related to dinners, but what about a breakfast casserole?? I would like to make/send something that is useful and NOT a copy of what others are sending (I have a list). If I make a dinner, it needs to be rice/bean based (that's where they are at in terms of casseroles). This is a tragic situation as the mother is in the hospital with a cancerous brain tumor (they failed to remove it fully during the operation) and while she was in the hospital, something happened to the father (heart complications) and he was admitted to the hospital and passed away a few hours later. They have grown kids (1 or 2??), but they are taking turns caring for their mother who is recovering from the brain surgery and is beginning chemo soon - so I don't want the food to be too heavy (esp. if she's undergoing chemo). What are your thoughts? Thank you in advanced!!
I'd eat it NH, but I firmly believe in the one and only diet I have ever been on. The see food diet, I see food I eat food!
It works great for me and I get to eat everything and anything I want.

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