North Carolina

Well guess what I heard a rooster crow in my backyard today
lots of times
they did ask about you,
well we all are waiting with baited breathe to hear how to get rid of BLK algae

hey also wanted to tell you that last week the ice finally melted so we could get the pump out of the pond and after my dh cleaned it good plugged it in and IT works.. I am amazed.. all fish are fine too
did you get you a rooster and 2 hens today ab?

where is ab he comes in here tells us he heard a rooster crowing in his back yard today and then leaves without giving specifics.
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Hi everyone. Glad to see many of you at the show today. Don't know about you but I'm exhausted.
Thought I would share a picture of my boy from the show today. He is just so handsome, I love him soo much.
Came home to find one of his chicks had made it out of it's shell today, the other not so I helped it a bit and out it popped! My English chick count is now up to 5.
Have three more going into lockdown again next Tuesday.
Nice seeing everyone again, how bout we get together and do this again in about three weeks!
Gavin, love the pictures, thank you for sharing. Sure hope the others make it out.

Miss Lydia I did, a trio of white cochin. I think they look better here than up there.
I think my friend got tired of me gauking at them. cant spell. Dont think these birds
ever used a ramp before very enjoyable watching them learn to come down,They needed
a little help going up tonite. Now you know where I been all afternoon rain and all.

HT that is one beautiful bird
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Miss Lydia, if you get me started on fish topics it'll spiral into a long lecture... half of it you won't understand because I get caught up and don't realize I'm using the latin names...

Glad to hear your pump works. Those things are tough. I have had ones that suck in rocks, and after getting it out it still goes strong.

I'll give you guys one black algae remedy I heard today then I swear I'll shut up. You use a freshwater fish medication called Maracyn, dose your saltwater aquarium once and it's supposed to take care of it without ANY other casualties. I'm very skeptical of this remedy, especially in an aquarium with corals or sensitive fish, but I grabbed a rock from a friend of mine who has black algae, stuck it in my control tank... so in a week I should have a sufficient amount to test this remedy. Would be awesome if it really does work.
ab those were some pretty cochins.. congrats on your new roo. I love to hear mine even at 4:30 in the morning
bet you'll get some nice size eggs too.

Is anyone going to the show in Newport Tenn. in May? thats the next closest one to me.. sure did enjoy seeing everyone today..

Hi HT the girls are settling in good. I have them in a large dog crate sitting on the bed in our spare bedroom where the dogs sleep.. so they will have company. the dogs have their own crates.
congrats on your win or I should say his win.. He's a handsome guy.

Not too sure the girls like the pellets though, might have to get some crumbles. I did put them in the food proscessor to make them smaller.
She was a big girl and was already 8 pounds and still growing. I can have ducks when they are outside but when they are inside it's a whole different story I have come to find out. Thats why I was thinking of letting them take a little vacation
Hello everyone

It was nice meeting some of you this morning at the Morganton show. Allison and BatCave lady (I'm sorry, but I don't remember your name) it was a pleasure meeting you, and Gavin and Matt was nice seeing you again, oh, and Matt, those brownies were deeeeelicious

I meet a new BYC member brahma lady, who had some gorgeous Brahmas LF and Bantam and she's won several trophies today

Too bad the weather was not on our side this morning
so we can see more BYC’ers at the show.
I don’t know how many of you noticed the poor chickens that were so crammed in the wire cage that they couldn’t even put their feet on the ground. I was so shocked, and several times I wanted to go there and say something to that..x...x..x owner

BatCave laidy, you where telling me about an antibiotic you are using when you bring your silkies home from the show. Can you tell me again the name of that antibiotic please?
If anyone can make me a list of first aid medications for chickens, that I should have in the house at all time, I will be very thankful
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