North Carolina

hey arlew0127
if you don't have a feed store close to ya, Tractor Supply carries feed so you can always go there.. just be careful this time of year they have chicks and ducklings so you may come home with something to add to your 4 new hens..

arianna, wish i had met you I absolutely drooled over your coop and set up when I saw your first post. It is so cute.. I missed hanging out with everyone cause after being there for a while I got my 2 lav. orps from HT and thought I better get the girls home.. so sorry I didn't get to visit outside and eat some of them brownies too

and frogot to say
to BC this morning nope not sleeping in just slopping around outside in the rain and mud. yep the sun can come out anythyme now..
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they are such awesome birds. Beautiful and great brooders and moms too! I really want to add some to my flock.

My cochins I got yesterday at the show laid me an egg last night :) Big brown one too. Very happy with them. I am going to see if her eggs a fertile, that would be a huge bonus!

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