North Carolina

Traveling on 440 today in Raleigh, around exit 12 you can see a narrow path of serious destruction where the tornado ripped through a shopping center. The roof is peeled back like a sardine can and the structural steel girders are bent like pipe cleaners!
Photo taken a couple of days ago:
same here yonder, congrats on catching the fever it's very contagious..
I will recommend the Brahma breed for being good egg layers and also very docile, and Orpintons too.
Well, My road was spared, but others weren't so lucky. Was outta power and got it back late last night. Been helping people around the area last night with their livestock and was over at my parents house today doing clean up. We got spots hit pretty bad and others that aint so bad, but it could have been alot worse. Thank god it wasn't. Glad to hear everyone made it so far.
We got power back on this afternoon. Woo hoo! The sights around town are absolutely amazing, there are areas where it looks like a giant lawnmower just came through and mowed everything down. Just unbelievable.
to all the new folks

Glad to hear from our friends in Fayetteville & Sanford.

Vfem... x2 hope you hear from your family.

We have our 2nd gosling hatching right now.

ETA: And shes out !
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Just a quick question for everyone...when we got home from church tonight all the chicks were huddled in one corner pecking at one another and a few were trying to "crawl" under the rest. Is this "normal"? Are they just trying to determine their pecking order? They were all running around this afternoon when I brought them some chicken weed in...tonight they wouldn't touch it. I am a first timer so I wanted to be sure nothing was wrong...please calm my fraying nerves!!

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