North Carolina

On the topic of frizzle Cochins, I have a white rooster I am likely to re-home if anyone is interested. Slight chance I may keep him, but if someone is really looking for one I would probably sell him.
Afternoon everyone!! I think my computer is about to short out from all the drool!! BHep - LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures. Thank you so much for sharing. I thought the two little ducks looking right at the camera were adorable!! "Who me?" That's what I read on their precious!! As for the rest...
I have baby fever and it's not for just more IN my home now. Thanks I have to wait for these to get old enough to lay so I can convince one of them to go broody on me!!
C'mon my first broody
she has at least 3 (poss. 4 - still NO clue at sexing) roos to choose from!! My chicks are about 8-9 weeks old...anyone want to venture a guess as to their sex? I know for a fact I have one BO roo, one Black and I'm almost positive one LO roo, but I am thinking the other LO may be a roo too. He/she is always picking fights with the other guys and ignores the females.
any suggestions? What kind of photo do you need to tell?
I am NOT sticking my phone under their tails!!

Off to work on the run today since the cake supply store is closed!!
NH, umm, roosters don't have "external equipment" so under the tail pictures won't show anything. You'll get much more help with pictures of combs and wattles, wing feathers, tail feathers, and feet.

On the thread about chicken myths and old wives' tales, there were people that went to medical school that didn't know about chicken equipment. Best one was the mother who had been a nurse for years asked the chicken-owning daughter "Are you going to let the rooster sit on the eggs and fertilize them?"

Let that sink in a sec. Mom is a nurse... Daughter's answer?

"No, because he isn't a salmon."

I'll go take a nap now.
NH yes pics of their faces (combs & wattles) The roosters combs & wattles generally grow faster & are redder then the females. So if you are seeing a big difference now, there is a good chance they are roosters. BUT.... Best bet is to wait until they start crowing.

GGCM... I am with you, NAP TIME !

now I at least knew about them not having external parts...I was thinking you might need a photo of the vent...haha glad to know that isn't the case!!
If I was the dtr I would have died laughing!!
Ok. I shall try to get comb & waddle pics!!
This is mama and chicks that were hatched on Sat. out for the first time.

this is Sunday morning hatch you can barely see chick looking over the nest.

theres one more in there too must have been napping
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ML - AWWWW!! What sweet pictures!! The babies are so cute, I just want to give them hugs & kisses!!

Okay...get your sexing glasses out...I tried as best I could to get some pictures of waddles & combs but they were not all that cooperative!!
I did use thumbprints so as to not take up so much space...sorry if that's a hassle!!

The "Love Birds" aka: Jeremy & Jemima, my buffs. I know there is one roo & one female (pullet??)

Here is a photo of the LO & BlkO, both of which I THINK are roosters, the black one half cut out of the shot is mopsy - the smallest blk and I'd venture a guess that's she's 99% female (
I had to leave myself a margin of error...besides, she was camera shy)

Girls?? The LO in the background is the roo from the above post, and he turned as I took the photo, so he kind of was chopped out of the photo.

And just for fun:

She was standing up "talking" to them and she would laugh up a storm because they would ALL run inside every time she squealed loudly, then they would run/fly back out and congregate around this one spot. This went on for a good 10 minutes and each time, they had her laughing. It was cute!

I am intentionally NOT starting on my cake as the lady has called 3 times already to change her mind on colors, flavor, icing, decorations.
She also has NO clue how long it takes to decorate a cake and wants me to cook it, decorate it and everything all in one day and have it delivered to her by 2:00. I walked her through the process and explained to her that I would have to start at a minimum of midnight the night before to get her stuff done all in one day as the cake takes 2 hours to make & bake (sheet cake from scratch), then to cool it, crumb coat it, make icing, make roses, tint frosting, actually frost the cake, etc... she keeps telling me "I want it to be fresh"
does she really think the ones you buy at the store are "fresh"? They can be up to a month old, mine would be a day old.
some people. If you can't laugh, I guess it will only give me gray hair, so I will laugh!!
Set a cut off time and date as to when changes can be made. When I was helping mom make/decorate cakes the cutoff was always 48 hours before delivery. If they wanted changes after that they were buying 2 cakes. You have to be stern when dealing with customers like that.

hey Ruthann, your pics are going to have to be bigger so the experienced ones can see up close combs and wattles. I want to see a picture of this cake when you finish, It's an art form and i love to see how they turn out. I bet you dd loved that she made them run inside every time she squealed. how cute.
NH - your guesses look good to me! But I'm just a newbie!!
I do know they are tooooo cute!!!!!!

Quick question - are strawberry tops ok for 2 week old chicks? Or chickens in general? I saved some aside but wasn't sure and they weren't on the treat chart!


Oh, and no horrible bone infection for my little guy! Looks like just a virus! But, his fever is still at 102 so still not so fun.

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