North Carolina

Okay, how much bigger?
They chickens are not THAT fond of me, so I'm not sure how to get a close up. Any seasoned advice?? Thank you for trying to help!!
Haha...a photo of my cake? I just do it for fun (although I don't know WHY I consider this fun) and this is the first time I'm actually being PAID to make one, so I think I am just extra nervous!! I usually make them and give them as gifts or just because, but she insists on paying me, so, I expect myself to do an even better job. Nevertheless, if I remember to actually take a photo of it, I will share it. Please be gentle in your critiques though...

Matt - thank you for the suggestion!! I did tell her that tomorrow was the day I was going to get the supplies (although I started making the frosting today...shhh) so she would have to give me a finalized idea by then and if she changed her mind, she would be stuck with whatever I do because I am not a bakery where I have oodles of supplies on hand. Trying to decide if I want to make the roses today or see if it's less humid tomorrow. I don't want them melting/falling apart.
Then again...I'd rather be out working on the run so the chickens can be outside ALL day tomorrow, but DH still has a door to make, so that can't happen.
Thanks again!!
sorry to hear he's still running a fever but I know your relieved it's not infection. Hope he feels better real soon. I tried giving my chickens some strawberry tops and they just walked away. so don't know about chicks.
SCM - So sorry to hear your little guy has a virus but so Thankful that it is not a bone infection!!
will continue to pray for a quick recovery!!

Okay is try #2 - I did photoshop them where they are cropped so it may be a little fuzzy as they are enlarged 200+ times. (All while the mixer is mixing away fluffing my frosting...

My BO's: One male/One female

The Black Roo??

LO Roo??

Two ladies?? LO & BlkO, the other LO (the headless one) is the above roo??

Are these too blurry to help??
On you lavs & splits, take it from me, there are those that you will not know until they lay an egg or crow. Being that lavs are still a "project" some pullets can tend to have a bit bigger comb even at a younger age.At 5 and 6 months old they will keep you guessing tell boy/girl??
HT -
so then can I say, "my rooster is sitting on the eggs to fertilize them" then??
I sure hope we have more girls than boys so we can get more eggs!!
I do know that the Buff is a roo...he "talks" differently than the rest. The LO are shy, so I can't tell if they are at the bottom of the pecking order or what!! 5-6 MONTHS??
I don't want to wait that long
Guess I am being taught patience again!!
Thank you so much for your expertise!!

BHep, SCM, ML - thank you for your expertise & "newbie guesses!!"

love the pics, so glad we can see them!!

Well folks as requested here are pics of Sheba and babies outside:




And for the Silkie experts, what color will you call this:



This is our hopeful show bird for the Fall.............

And here we have one of the Buff Orpingtons:


I will post more Silkie pics as I want to try and sex them..........

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