North Carolina

Hey again everyone... It seems as though I have just inherited the 2 ducklings that my friends daughter hatched. I think this is wonderful, but due to the fact that I live in a neighborhood that doesn't allow the ducks and quail that I have, I think I need to rehome these 2. They are SA and WH mix. Not sure of the sex, I can get more info later. I would love to rehome them close to Chapel Hill. Is there anyone out here interested?

Just an update on my friend, he is in rehab, doing better. I guess being dead for a while deprives you of the ability to move your body, so it is going to be a long road. But he is alive, and his brain seems to be the same, so we are all very hopefull.
I hope your boys all get along Ruthann, it does happen sometimes I'm told. I just found out this morning we have another roo in our chicks so we're up to 3 of the 16, well they sound kinda like a kazoo instead of a roo, but they are practicing.

so happy to hear about your little hen "allabout" I hope she continues to improve. I probably won't get to come to the swap since my dh has already said he won't go, and I am such a baby about traveling by myself. but it's still a fer piece off so maybe he'll change his mind.

ML, sure hope that you can make it!! Going to cross my fingers that DH changes his minds by then.
Update on my Buff Orpington "Ophelia". Today was her first day back outside and she is doing great!! I put a little band around her leg so that Hunter could tell her apart while I was at work, and he said she was walking around, scratching for bugs, and got up on her roost with out any problems at all. I guess she just needed some R and R time away from everyone else.

On a sad note, only 3 out of my 22 eggs hatched, and I'm not sure one of them is going to make it. It looks like it didn't finish absorbing its yolk/blood vessels and it is having some trouble standing up, but it sure is trying. I got a warm wet paper towel and nestled it around her, and she doesnt seem to be struggling as much. I hope it works.
Hi All,

I don't post often. I have just been learning from all the experienced BYCers, but when I saw this post I knew I had read the answer on another thread and it has pictures of BO/BR crosses. They are black sexlinks, but lighter in color than most black sexlinks. Very pretty birds in the pictures and you can sex them at birth. Here is the . I hope this is helpful.
So Brunswick my favorite cross bill, just put me down laughing! I was on the hill with his flock letting them have some sun time. I here a flop at the porch and see Him trying to feed from the hummingbird feeder eight feet off the ground! This chicken is the best!

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