North Carolina

I finally got confirmation today that my cuckoo silkie is in fact a cockerel! He may not crow yet but just discovered he is a boy and that yes those are girls...
Having a terrible afternoon..
came home from shopping to find Wolfie barely alive floating in the horse's water bucket.

He was ice cold.....I rushed him inside, wrapped him a towel, blow dried him and he is now under a heat lamp. He has stopped his death gasp and has stared to shiver. I am praying that is a good sign.

to me. I will be installing an automatic waterier for my horse ASAP. I could swear I had one around here somewhere.
WHY???? .... there are appropriate chicken wateriers ALL over the barnyard.

SHAME ON ME !!!!!!
SCM - congrats on selling the business!!

HT - congrats (?) on discovering the cockerel discovering girls??

G & A - I can't imagine WHERE I got my awesome & completely dashingly handsome (enough adjectives there??) BO Roo... He did get yelled at today as I was out and he fluffed his feathers and cocked his head at me. I told him that if he tried anything funny he was getting the boot!! Good thing he didn't test my resolve, I might have had to follow through!!

Buttercup - Okay so every time I see your name I think of the Princess Bride!!
Anyway, congrats on your NPIP testing!!
Now, go rest and take care of that foot!!

Spent the morning cutting out 190 rectangles for a silly quilt (where were you to help BHep??) while DD got into everything and had a grand time. For lunch we threw a blanket in the grass and had a picnic. I let the chickens roam the yard and guess what?? I FORGOT about Tink (the wandering kitten/cat). She sat on the deck watching the chickens, never ONCE tried to go near them or showed any interest in them!! PHEW!!
I have had all the excitement I can handle. On a sad note...only TWO eggs today...TWO!!
They better NOT have laid in the woods!! If so, DH is hunting them down if he wants them for breakfast!!
The smell still makes me

Have a great weekend everyone...we have company (DH's sister) coming tomorrow...should be interesting. Last time she was here, she wanted me to drive her all over the state, all over VA and into DC - while being pregnant....Guess she's going to be SURPRISED to find out that a) I'm not driving her all over and b) I'm pregnant....again, thus A stands!!

BHep - I am so SO sorry to hear about Wolfie...please keep us posted. We will be praying for him to have a quick recovery!!
Hang in there Wolfie!!
to you BHep!!
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Dear Beth,
I am so sorry to hear about Wolfie, I am praying for him. You shouldn't beat yourself up, its just one of those things that just tend to happen, you are a GREAT chickie momma! Will keep my fingers crossed
Just spent like 20 minutes dealing with an unruly silkie who just does not like me handling him/her. Everyone else just loves me but this one, I can rarely catch him/her.

Which brings me to why I was handling him/her. I am certain of the 2 white silkies I hatched 1 is a roo and is looking for a new home now. This one, I'm so not sure at all! He/She has a dirty top knot and its all mud packed from all the rain lately and its hard to tell if there are streamers that are obvious sign, also hard to tell by the saddle feathers as they are not very long like the obvious male. Then the tale has not one hard feather in it at all. My girls and my roos always end up with 1 or 2 feathers that aren't as fluffy as we'd all like... but he/she has none. I notice my males usually get at least 1 hard feather in the tail longer then the others and again an easy tell. At this point my roo's comb is the mulberry color, while his/her's is still black. All my hens still have black combs that never went that mulberry color. These guys are all 5+ months old I can usually tell my silkies apart by now.

So I may come back with some photos... but I'm thinking I should bathe him/her first!?

What do you think?
LOL that is exactly where it came from. I was Buttercup my senior year of high school and the name stuck...especially after culinary school. And I am not moving from the couch the rest of the day bc some how or another I have to work tomorrow morning.

So I don't know if you all remember my little chick that hatched all by itself, but Lucky has grown up enough to be outside. She currently resides with the goats, but while they are out grazing she is left in their pen and seems to find ways to get out and get into trouble. Today she found herself being chased by the ducks, until rescued. She also knows her name and the sound of my voice, bc as soon as I called it out she came running, jumped and landed on my walker (we couldnt find anyone with crutches) and is now cleaning herself on my shoulder, her favorite place to perch. crazy little chicken

G&A I formally request that you cease and desist in putting up all those (adorable!) pictures of silkies (silkies! Whee!) immediately! I cannot concentrate on any of the other more important (oh who cares, those are silkies!!!) posts that require my immediate attention (do they have any hatching eggs?? Ask them! Ask them!) . Have you no concern for the gravity of the situation (yah, no silkies, must have silkies)? it simply will not be tolerated (ooh, ask them about the silkies! Do it now, do it now!) any longer. .... {sigh} please excuse my chicken addiction, it keeps popping up every where!!
Thanks everyone

So good. He is standing now, on his ittie bittie legs.
He even pecked my hand while I was sticking my hand under his wing. He is finally getting warm. I think I am aggravating him, I am hovering over his tote every five minutes.
Beth, did you blow dry him to get him dry quick and help him warm up? When I give mine a bath they really seem to enjoy the blow dry part.

Oh, and the thing you will need to keep a close eye and ear out for is his breathing as he probably took water into his lunges.
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