North Carolina

GOOD MORNING Everyone!! It's 6am, do you know where your chickens are?? Mine seem to think that 4am is the time to start happy I can only hear them from the kitchen!!
Hearing that in the kitchen....just makes me thankful that my breakfast (well not mine, but you get the idea) is being "prepared" out there!!

CSB - Thank you for the warning about neighbors.
I don't actually have neighbors close by...the closest is 1/4 mile away and he's a super friendly farmer who dotes on my DD and brings her goodies from his garden!!
I LOVE where I live. G&A wants to steal some of my land for coops!!
We plan on fencing in our property, so I won't have to worry as much about little ones getting lost in the woods or wandering into someone else's property (although would a chicken actually WALK that far?? LOL mine tend to be lazy). As for my "Mutt" she is a cross between an EE and a Maran so her egg really looks like a cartoon version of a rotten egg - sort of brownish green. I will have to take a photo of it sometime.

Ramirez -
I was thinking 86 eggs out of 7 layers for a whole month wasn't bad either, especially since 4 of them JUST started to lay and haven't fully "gotten into gear" with laying!! I am looking forward to the day when I get 7/day to fuel my DD's ADDICTION!! Hmm...maybe I should hatch a few. What do you think a Maran/Orp would look like??

Up early to make my DH some homemade donuts and to do a last bit of tidying up (is a farmhouse EVER tidy with a DH AND children AND pets??
) before the SIL arrives tonight.

BHep - any update on Wolfie??

SO who all is planning on going to the show in Smithfield in like December (or whenever it is)?? I want to go but only if it will be fun and I can be PROMISED that no one will be sticking ducks or silkies in my pockets to take home!!
Will there be a BYC table?? It just might be my FIRST show....EVER. Good thing it will be past the peak of summer so I can waddle around (6mo pgnt) and not die from the heat!!
It's only 2 months (ish) away, so who's with me?? ANYONE??

Also, QUIT showing these adorable is not nice to tempt people!!

Happy to report that Wolfie is doing great. No sign of respiratory infections yet, so hopefully not at all.
He is still in the tote, no top on and has not jumped/flown out.
He did eat this am and I gave him 3 mealworms.
He will be properly super spoiled to death before long. Is has been a favorite from day ONE. We got him as a day old on 10/1/10 from a friend and he lived in the house ALL winter with his sibling. My DD carries him around all over the place ( poor thing)

Ruthann... I will be going to the show.

BAT CAVE........

p.s. Everyone needs Silkies.
WOO least I will know someone at the show!! Although knowing you, I'll end up taking some home!!
We still need to schedule a sewing "date"!!
Let me know, I am game...I use ANY excuse to get me to sew!!

After reading the amount of eggs people get maybe I am being too harsh on my girls. I have 6 layers and get 4 or 5 eggs a day. My total egg count for September was 131 eggs. Some of the eggs we have been getting are massive, and one of our buyers tells us that they regularly get double yolkers from the eggs. Infact the lady's husband has become such an egg snob he will not eat any other eggs except ours! Then we have another friend who hid his eggs when he had family visit, and they fed them the store bought eggs and saved ours for themselves!

Beth, so glad that Wofie is doing better.

Ramirez, I do think it is a blue splash too, so we will see when it feathers out.....

NOW READ THIS ALL NON-SILKIE OWNERS: It is our task as Silkie owners to spread the word and ownership of silkies, by publishing lots of cute pictures, introducing your children to silkies when you attend shows, and even though they are not great egg layers, just to let you know how cute it is when a silkie walks up your t-shirt and kisses you on the nose and looks at it's own reflection in your glasses (if you wear them like I do)......

I will be recruiting others to help spread the word so beware!!!
3 hours and 20.... mmmmmm, may well be worth the drive..............

x2 (although my drive is roughly 20 minutes)!! Especially worth it since you can stop by and visit with Jeremy & his Harem after all it's been AGES since you last saw him!! Then you can try and convince DD that SHE NEEDS silkies...because I like big fluffy birds...not ones that remind me of a troll (the cute ones, not the ugly ones... not trying to cause a riot...I'm saying they're little dolls).
That didn't come out right.
Oops!! Hopefully you know what I mean!!

Hmm...I'd better be EXTRA careful if HT is bringing some of her gang. Will there be any English Orps in the lot?
What are you thinking about bringing?? (I need to mentally prepare myself either that or start stashing money away now!!)
Guess I'd better have DH start working on the quarantine coop/new group coop!!
Won't he just LOVE me!!

Funny conversation: DH says, "Oh, if you are planning on mowing the lawn before I get back from the dump, be careful, there's an Orb Weaver & it's web slung across the shed." I respond, "Oh good. Proof positive I am not meant to go outside at ALL today!!"
Until that thing is relocated, I will NOT even take the compost out!!
Spiders and I are only friends when I DON'T see them...or better yet...when I see the chickens eating them!!
clap.gif's CHILLY out today!!
Another funny note, saw a bluebird "attack" the line that is dangling from our must have looked like one BIG juicy worm or something...

Have a great day everyone!! Can't wait to see some new faces and familiar faces in Smithfield (it is December right??)

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