North Carolina

3 hours and 20.... mmmmmm, may well be worth the drive..............

x2 (although my drive is roughly 20 minutes)!! Especially worth it since you can stop by and visit with Jeremy & his Harem after all it's been AGES since you last saw him!! Then you can try and convince DD that SHE NEEDS silkies...because I like big fluffy birds...not ones that remind me of a troll (the cute ones, not the ugly ones... not trying to cause a riot...I'm saying they're little dolls).
That didn't come out right.
Oops!! Hopefully you know what I mean!!

Hmm...I'd better be EXTRA careful if HT is bringing some of her gang. Will there be any English Orps in the lot?
What are you thinking about bringing?? (I need to mentally prepare myself either that or start stashing money away now!!)
Guess I'd better have DH start working on the quarantine coop/new group coop!!
Won't he just LOVE me!!

Funny conversation: DH says, "Oh, if you are planning on mowing the lawn before I get back from the dump, be careful, there's an Orb Weaver & it's web slung across the shed." I respond, "Oh good. Proof positive I am not meant to go outside at ALL today!!"
Until that thing is relocated, I will NOT even take the compost out!!
Spiders and I are only friends when I DON'T see them...or better yet...when I see the chickens eating them!!
clap.gif's CHILLY out today!!
Another funny note, saw a bluebird "attack" the line that is dangling from our must have looked like one BIG juicy worm or something...

Have a great day everyone!! Can't wait to see some new faces and familiar faces in Smithfield (it is December right??)

Our winter show string includes LARGE Fowl orps in blue and black, bantam orps in blue/black/buff and hopefully white, serama's and a couple of silkies.
All those silkies are SOOOOOO cute
I want some so bad! But my STUPID car had to drowned in all the rain
. Its not fair

O well maybe I'll just settle on getting some from ideal.

On a tragic note I had to cull the two sick silkieXs they had stopped eating and I couldn't risk the possibility of whatever they had spreading to my chicks!
I feel really bad culling the was really hard and broke my heart.
Ooooh... those little painties want to come home with me!!!
I will hug them and squeeze them and call them George!!!

I have a Bat Cave Silkie...namedGeorge. he is such a sweetie!
Now if only there would be some English Orps in there....good thing there isn't because I'd be in HUGE trouble!!
I actually had to look up what a Serama chicken was!! Sure are pretty LITTLE things!! I prefer my BIG FLUFFIES!!

The boys and girls had such a great time roaming around the yard this afternoon...we FINALLY cut the grass (even though it was wet) for we were growing a meadow out there otherwise. DD and I went out to collect eggs and they all followed HER around. Guess they know who the softie is and who is most likely to drop some goodies!! I will admit to being a little disappointed that they did not eat the GIANT furry spider that was in her sandbox!!
Could it be because I took the shovel and tossed it to them?
I was afraid it would wander too close to me!!
I would have DIED!!

Wild - I am so sorry you had to lose the two sick Silkies.
Just know you gave them the best life you could while you had them!!
Beth, I'm so glad to hear Wolfie is alright.

Wild, I am so sorry that you had to cull two of your babies. I agree with NH, you are a good chick mama and did what you could and what was best for your whole flock.

For the spreaders of Silkie maddness, DH and DD saw their first Silkie today at the chicken swap. DD of course wanted one. DH told her if it had been a hen he'd have bought it!! Guess another one has fallen to the Silkie maddness disease. On the other hand, it will be easier to convince him we need some later on!!
Now if only there would be some English Orps in there....good thing there isn't because I'd be in HUGE trouble!!
I actually had to look up what a Serama chicken was!! Sure are pretty LITTLE things!! I prefer my BIG FLUFFIES!!

The boys and girls had such a great time roaming around the yard this afternoon...we FINALLY cut the grass (even though it was wet) for we were growing a meadow out there otherwise. DD and I went out to collect eggs and they all followed HER around. Guess they know who the softie is and who is most likely to drop some goodies!! I will admit to being a little disappointed that they did not eat the GIANT furry spider that was in her sandbox!!
Could it be because I took the shovel and tossed it to them?
I was afraid it would wander too close to me!!
I would have DIED!!

Wild - I am so sorry you had to lose the two sick Silkies.
Just know you gave them the best life you could while you had them!!

ALL of my LF are at least 50% English. My 6 month old cockerel is larger than his father Biggie and anyone that has seen him knows he's not small.
Knock on wood NONE of my silkie's have gone broody yet. They have been laying for several months now and have made no attempts, not complaining as I have no need for broodies.
You just HAD to tell me that?!?
Okay, this momma is going to start stashing the change until the Smithfield show...perhaps I will be able to convince DH to not only come WITH me but to let me buy like 10 more!!

Funny note for all: So it's such a nice day out that we have our door to the screened-in-porch open for the cats to enjoy....well one cat has been "stalking" (aka: following them around the porch and "pretending" she would pounce if she could) the chickens in the yard until Jeremy puffed up at her (didn't even fuss, just puffed up and flapped his wings) now she is hiding under the bed!!
The other cat - the TOMCAT - went out on the porch and heard Jeremy "cackle" to the girls because he found some type of goodie and that scaredy-cat ran and is literally UNDER the covers in our room...
so glad I have such brave pets!!

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