North Carolina

I am in Sampson also...Faison. where are you?
Hi, neighbor......I am in Spivey's corner.....Hollering Capital of the World>>>
[qoute]I got a questoin what in te world is a easter egging chicken?? Some old lady told me they was game birds that laid blue and green eggs, but I told that was nonsense, cause chickens only brown and white eggs... she showed me some of hers flock and said that the birds she showed me was easter egging birds, I asked her to show me eggs and a course they hadn't laid nothing in a yet this year. I thought I'd come up here and ask ya'll so maybe I can set her straight.[/quote]

Easter eggers are one of my favorite breeds! Hatcheries will sell them as "Ameraucanas" but hatchery stock is not up to breed standards, so they are actually EEs. Some of them are rumpless (like Arucanas); some of them are muff less; some are beard less, and some will lay brown or other colored eggs. I had one EE that laid a brown egg; two of them laid olive eggs, and the rest were shades of blue and green

All my EEs had pea combs.

On my blog, there are pictures of one of my EEs ("I threatened to do it" post) and then there are pictures of my eggs here:

I've ordered some cuckoo marans, so this time, I'll have some chocolate eggs, too!
My guinea passed this morning. We had a service (lead by my little girl) "She/ he was a good guinea, as far as guineas go."
Had a hard time keeping a straight face.
2 birds in less than a week. Makes me sad.
farming Fire ants??? you want mine?? I got some I will let you have.

I've been using cedarcide but I think I have to stop that because cedar and chickens don't mx....maybe Guineas are the answer....
I don't think Guineas herd well....probably about as good as cats. My neighbor has free roaming dogs that would be a problem for Guineas.
I've been using cedarcide but I think I have to stop that because cedar and chickens don't mx....maybe Guineas are the answer....
I don't think Guineas herd well....probably about as good as cats. My neighbor has free roaming dogs that would be a problem for Guineas.
My guinea were worse than the Italian Mafia!! They have been "sent up river" to a new home to pester someone else's Mafia...although of course now they are behaving!! LOL
Good luck getting rid of the ants, we have them all over the place too - our guineas NEVER touched them...then again, our guineas never really acted like guineas were suppose to...I think they were too spoiled and (dare I say it) dumb!! LOL

Welcome to all the new people!!
We're going to be ordering our chicks soon and are really interested in Buff Orpingtons, RIRs, Speckled Sussex, and Wyandottes. Will these breeds get along well if we have a variety of them, or is it best to stick with a 1 or 2 breeds? I'm sorry if this is a silly question...I'm very new to all of this :)

***also, I know there are different types of Wyandottes, does any recommend a specific kind?
Hello to all the new people. I have a question for the experienced people out there. I'm letting one of my Silkies try and hatch some eggs. I've never hatched any before. Right now she has 12under her. When and if any of them start to hatch, will I need to help them finish breaking through the shell or will she do it. I wasn't planning on hatching any, but a friend wants some for his wife. Also when do I start counting the days till hatch date? Thanks for any help with this.

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