North Carolina

I will PM you. So glad the boys are better and your hubby is home! Soooo many chickens so little time.... I have had a bunch of breeds. For eggs I love my leghorns, and EE's, Buff Orps are great as are Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds...too many to choose from! YAY on the eggs!!! Sorry about Molly, but as CSB said you never know. Sending good thoughts your way. I promised yesterday that I would post pics of the new babies. Here is one. I also got a first egg yesterday! Check out this purple/pink one. Along with it are a Leghorn egg which is huge, a couple of green eggs, a welsummer egg and a regular brown egg. Lastly, this is the Super Blue Egg Layers baby daddy LOL... He is a Splash Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. Poor guy needs a name... I haven't come up with one. Have a great evening!
I will PM you.

So glad the boys are better and your hubby is home! Soooo many chickens so little time.... I have had a bunch of breeds. For eggs I love my leghorns, and EE's, Buff Orps are great as are Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds...too many to choose from!

YAY on the eggs!!! Sorry about Molly, but as CSB said you never know. Sending good thoughts your way.

I promised yesterday that I would post pics of the new babies. Here is one.

I also got a first egg yesterday! Check out this purple/pink one. Along with it are a Leghorn egg which is huge, a couple of green eggs, a welsummer egg and a regular brown egg.

Lastly, this is the Super Blue Egg Layers baby daddy LOL... He is a Splash Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. Poor guy needs a name... I haven't come up with one.

Have a great evening!
I have two hens that lay the pinkish eggs. You are right about them being hard to
get to show the true color in a picture. The pinkish color on mine is the "bloom"
on the egg shell and it will wash off so I'm always careful with those.
Banriona, congrats on the eggs! What kind/size of dog is Molly? That'll help with wheelchair suggestions. I know they make them to sell these days, but back when I was a vet tech, we made them for our patients. If you and your hubby are handy, you might want to examine the mass-produced ones and make your own. We had lightweight metal bars we bent for framing and I wouldn't have a clue where to find that these days, but depending on how big she is and how much weight it needs to support you may be able to find something you can use at a hardware store or builders supply. The body sling is easier, as are purchased wheels. Just a thought.

Had a hawk take down another bird today. We don't have any cover in that pasture. Need to get cover out there when hubby gets back from his current trip.

Got an award from the student atheletes at Faculty Appreciation tonight. Warm fuzzies for me!
Banriona, congrats on the eggs! What kind/size of dog is Molly? That'll help with wheelchair suggestions. I know they make them to sell these days, but back when I was a vet tech, we made them for our patients. If you and your hubby are handy, you might want to examine the mass-produced ones and make your own. We had lightweight metal bars we bent for framing and I wouldn't have a clue where to find that these days, but depending on how big she is and how much weight it needs to support you may be able to find something you can use at a hardware store or builders supply. The body sling is easier, as are purchased wheels. Just a thought.

Had a hawk take down another bird today. We don't have any cover in that pasture. Need to get cover out there when hubby gets back from his current trip.

Got an award from the student atheletes at Faculty Appreciation tonight. Warm fuzzies for me!
electrical conduit is easy to bend and strong for a light/medium weight dog. Lowes sells 10 feet of 1/2" dia. for about $2.50 and might even cut & bend it for you, they also sell bolt on wheels.

Meg, Congrats on the award!!

Good morning folks

Congrats on the award Hollow. You earned it.

It's Thursday already..........this week seems to have flown
by for me. I'm thinking another of those not-so-nice weather
fronts is blowing in as my finger and hand joints are very
large and stiff........going to be one of those days........but
I'll make the best of it. The birds seem a bit confused by the
weather too.......of course many being new layers they would
spit and stutter until they get into the swing of laying daily.

hope everyone has a good day
Congrats Hollow.

FVRM theres a few flock swaps in the area that I have seen a faverolle show up at every now and than. There was some at the Smithfield show, need to see if I can find the information sheet on who had what there. Don't hold your breath though, as I have 3 little kids, so it probably got drawn on and threw away. But I will look for it just in case.
Very sad news from Roy Sumner of Sumner Byrd. Over the years Roy Sumner has been extremely generous with his time and knowledge, helping many Wake, Durham and Chatham county back yard chicken owners get up and running. Roy's business has been a valuable resource to the community. He's had some health issues and some personal problems in his life and needs our help now...

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