North Carolina


How are your StarMeKritten? Nice to hear from you! Patty and I were just out there to see round 2 and we have two early peepers cracking through. Its day 20.5 right now. The girls sitting are acting really jittery so I hope we have a high hatch rate. Last time we got 11 of 17. I am really crossing my fingers for 100%.

Thanks for asking and take care.
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How are your StarMeKritten? Nice to hear from you! Patty and I were just out there to see round 2 and we have two early peepers cracking through. Its day 20.5 right now. The girls sitting are acting really jittery so I hope we have a high hatch rate. Last time we got 11 of 17. I am really crossing my fingers for 100%.

Thanks for asking and take care.

Keep me posted! I hope you have a great hatch. I'm curious to see what hatches. What colors of eggs did you set this time? I'm sorry that I was out of town and couldn't help ID the eggs. I'll do my best to help you identify chicks though. :)
Hatching is sooo addictive! I've been collecting eggs this week to do a test hatch on my Welsummers, as well as the EEs and OEs. They go in Monday night, and I'm thinking I'll have about 5 dozen for this go-round. Once I verify fertility on them, I've got a few orders to fill. Then I'll start hatching my own replacement birds. In the meantime, I'll be hatching out a bunch of my Golden Cuckoo Marans, trying to isolate the carriers of the Vulture Hocks and weed them out of the flock. Lots of chicks!
A few hours won't bother them too much. Better too cool than too warm. I lost power last winter during a snow storm for four days and still had some hatch out. Yours should be fine. As someone else said, they may be a bit late but that is okay. Mine hatched on day 25 after losing power for day 18-22.

out of a dozen eggs, I have 8 pips and one zipping. So.... that's FANTASTIC!
My birds and i Iove the heat lamps. They are spoiled....

I spent the afternoon into twilight setting down a layer of newspapers in our garden bed. We were able to do a 12x half of 124 ft. Its the previous owners garden bed but it hasn't been tilled and we don't have the tools or equipment to till the hard clay. Soooooo, we are going to go with the lasagna garden method for this year. In the fall we'll put the garden to bed with a good amount of mulch to start our back to eden garden. Boy was it cold out in Carthage today. I hate that I have to drive away from our land to go home but soon enough our house will be built and we won't have to leave.

Anyhow, Ive been considering taking the heatlamp off the biddies and shinning it on myself, lol. OOh, I'm chilled.
who will be going to the show on the 14th?

I went to one show (Dec 2013) but arrived late in the afternoon - not realizing that it was just about over... Any ideas on what breeds/varieties will be there?

I still have a healthy love of Ameraucanas and want to connect and see more of them. Also want to learn about/see more Bantams - have a couple that I'm interested in... (yes, Ameraucanas but also a couple of others)... LOVE bantam eggs and would like some in different colors. The ones I get from our girls (only 2 now) are a light cream color... (have had tan & brown in the past - didn't realize then how "special" that was).

Hubby, Larry, wants some ducks. While ours were in temporary qtrs from nov 15th thru Jan 19th on a friends' farm - we lost all 3 when they got moved from our hoop coop to her coop (to make it easier to care for them). Don't know what got them for sure ... Still haven't decided what type we want - we'll look at what is at the show. We've always had "feed store ducks" - and mostly couldn't tell you what we've had. Think the ones we lost were small Rouen - they never quite mastered the art of flying. I'd love to have some Calls, but they'd be carried off by predators at this new property. We'll need to go w/ large ones - want dual meat/egg producers... Pekins are always good - but I want others.


Brought home two of our hoop coops - they are still on the borrowed flat bed until tomorrow when I have help to unload them. These two will go out to the pasture - planning on putting broilers in them when it warms up. The 3rd will be put near the coops we have here on this property and while I redo roofs on all three of the pens (they are short - have to bend and walk to gather eggs, feed & water - going to hoop them) that pen of chickens will go into it. Later, will use it for something else - maybe a grow out pen? I also have two other pens can put chickens or ducks into - once the roofs are done...
who will be going to the show on the 14th? 

I went to one show (Dec 2013) but arrived late in the afternoon - not realizing that it was just about over...  Any ideas on what breeds/varieties will be there?

I still have a healthy love of Ameraucanas and want to connect and see more of them.  Also want to learn about/see more Bantams - have a couple that I'm interested in...  (yes, Ameraucanas but also a couple of others)...  LOVE bantam eggs and would like some in different colors.  The ones I get from our girls (only 2 now) are a light cream color...  (have had tan & brown in the past - didn't realize then how "special" that was).

Hubby, Larry, wants some ducks.  While ours were in temporary qtrs from nov 15th thru Jan 19th on a friends' farm - we lost all 3 when they got moved from our hoop coop to her coop (to make it easier to care for them).  Don't know what got them for sure ...  Still haven't decided what type we want - we'll look at what is at the show.  We've always had "feed store ducks" - and mostly couldn't tell you what we've had.  Think the ones we lost were small Rouen - they never quite mastered the art of flying.  I'd love to have some Calls, but they'd be carried off by predators at this new property.  We'll need to go w/ large ones - want dual meat/egg producers...  Pekins are always good - but I want others.


Brought home two of our hoop coops - they are still on the borrowed flat bed until tomorrow when I have help to unload them.  These two will go out to the pasture - planning on putting broilers in them when it warms up.  The 3rd will be put near the coops we have here on this property and while I redo roofs on all three of the pens (they are short - have to bend and walk to gather eggs, feed & water - going to hoop them) that pen of chickens will go into it.  Later, will use it for something else - maybe a grow out pen?  I also have two other pens can put chickens or ducks into - once the roofs are done... 

Where in nc are you paintedchix? I'm doing a test hatch on my ameracaunas and they are almost basically bantam size. I hope they hatch though, I've been doing some experimenting with my incubating methods.

Last time I went there were a lot of bantams not too many ameracaunas though.

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