North East ChickenStock 2011 Sat May 14th

Just wondering if there is a wish list started yet for what people are hoping to find there this year
We are hoping someone brings Speckled Sussex, Olive Eggers, Barred Rock (Heritage), Barred and Partridge Cochins
Just keeping our fingers crossed to find some of these there.
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I will post this on the first page/post for you. I'm trying to get a list started so anyone who is planning on selling anything or wants to have a wish list please let me know & I'll post it for you
OMG how did I miss this????? Can I come??? I am SUPER EXCITED!! I can bring food/drinks too just let me know what you will need. I will prob have BBS, Lav, and black split silkies and showgirls for sale too!
My whole family will be there again this year. I might have a trio of blue laced seramas to bring, (R=small C, H1=small C, H2=large A) I'll know closer to the time.
Can't wait to see everybody and enter that raffle
There will be a raffle right?

I'll bring food for sure

Either date will work for us!!
Hey Jersey Girl,
Any particular type of frizzle you are looking for? I have a black bantam cochin cockerel hatched September 12, 2010. He's the size of a cantaloupe and the most handsome, round ball of black curly fluff! His name is Diablo. I wanted to keep him but I have 8 cockerels from that hatch. He is free to a good home. I can bring him to Sussex or the Chickenstock. Shall I bring him along?

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