North East ChickenStock 2011 Sat May 14th

Hey - Just came across this thread - sounds like fun! We live in NEPA and would love to come. Will have to wait until closer to the date to see what we can bring - food to share, eggs for the auction, etc. We'd be interested in heritage turkey poults - saw that someone else was interested in them too. Can't wait...
enjoyed coming last year. we bought some wonderful french blue copper maran chicks last year and are hoping to get some more. this year we are bringing some rare breeds with us.
I finally found a pair of seramas (a pretty cockeral and a frizzle pullet!
) so I may not come...we shall see! It was a blast last year...I may come just for the heck of it.....with some food stuffs of course
it is on a Saturday. Loved it last year, can't wait to come this year. (I won the incubator last year... needless to say... hubby was not thrilled... but I was... now addicted to HATCHING!!!!

Will definately be there...

Can't wait to see everyone again...

Stina, I'm not coming to get birds, either! (Though I wish I could get more of your ratties!) I'm coming to hang and network. It actually might be MORE fun because I won't have to spend all that time scoping cages for birds! I may actually have chicks to sell, but no buying.
Stina, I'm not coming to get birds, either! (Though I wish I could get more of your ratties!) I'm coming to hang and network. It actually might be MORE fun because I won't have to spend all that time scoping cages for birds! I may actually have chicks to sell, but no buying.

Yup, me, too. THough, Bailey seems to have some frizzle seramas I am interested in........................Last year I came home with two ducks..............
Hey Jersey Girl,
Any particular type of frizzle you are looking for? I have a black bantam cochin cockerel hatched September 12, 2010. He's the size of a cantaloupe and the most handsome, round ball of black curly fluff! His name is Diablo. I wanted to keep him but I have 8 cockerels from that hatch. He is free to a good home. I can bring him to Sussex or the Chickenstock. Shall I bring him along?

I'm sorry, I just saw this!!! I would love to have him, but my quota on cockerals and bantam roos is at an all time high right now, eleven, to be exact. The juices are flowing, so I don't think I can bring home another one - I'm sorry. It seems that from all my htaches, only the bantam roos survive. Go figure.
Chickenstock will be held on May 14th? NOT on the 21st? From what time to what time? I am interested in coming out with my five kids, but is that wise? They can be a handful - Bann said that it was a family friendly event, I just don't want to bother anyone!

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