North East ChickenStock 2011 Sat May 14th

Dottie-Here you go-

Blue X Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black, 25% Splash
Blue X Splash = 50% Blue, 50% Splash
Splash X Splash = 100% Splash
Splash X Black = 100% Blue
Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black
Black X Black = 100% Black

Now it doesnt really hold true with small hatches, but it will give you some idea.
Congrats that the "Chickenstock eggs" have become parents!!

They have been in the incubator since last Sunday I guess I should be candling them tomorrow?
We would like to come to the swap. Four new chicken addicts. Do you have an update on the time it starts? We are looking for layer chix brown layers. Would like to know what to bring???
Hi guys!! FINALLY trying to update... Could anybody who is bringing birds, food, crafts, ETC, please send me a pm? I' going through & will do my best, but don't want to miss anybody's "wants" or "is bringing's" Thank You!
It would be wonderful to have handmade items at chickenstock! We had multiple crafters last year
We also had a bunch of bunnies, mice, & rats (pets not feeder
Steph, I'm so sorry! What a horrible way to start your day! Is the mom ok?

Everything will be great, just like last year!

And Darbella, you best bring some of those chicken pins, and maybe one of the rooster ones, too! Um, actually, DEFINITELY bring a rooster one, but I need to pick out just the right chicken one - do you have a selection, or are they made to order?

Hi, Yes, other than being upset about me taking her baby, Emmy is alright. Thanks for asking
OMG I hope people wanting silkies will be coming because I just realized how many I have! WHOLY COW!!! I need to get rid of a ton! I will bring BBS silkies, Lav silkies and showgirls, and split lav silkies and showgirls. Maybe some BLRWs too!
I can't wait!
Yup! I think you are on my list for one anyway
I have sooo many I need to go though and take pics of. I forgot...did you want a silkie or sg? Just let me know if you want to meet up sooner! If not I can bring them with the rest to the chickenstock! I will prob have at least 20 started showgirls and silkies to bring!
I want silkies. Can't get over the heebie-jeebies the naked necks give me!
I'd really like to get a trio or a quad from you, if you can sex some. The whites we got from you at the farm show are looking wonderful! We could pick them up before Chickenstock if you need us to, just let me know!

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