North East ChickenStock 2011 Sat May 14th

Can't get over the heebie-jeebies the naked necks give me!

Boy! You don't look like no Chikin, I say there boy, what are you, some kinda Fluffy Turkey?

However they do look kind of cute.
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Does anybody remember who was in the back right corner that donated the ducklings for the raffle last year? I would really like to get more of them, they were pied muscovys with blue eyes. The back wall give or take was sachasmom and ahappychick...then these ducklings.
Thank you Marilyn, looking forward to seeing you this year. I hope we can help with something again (0:
They are the best, arent they? Sad to say we lost our pen last night in the storm and as we have already found what is left of one, the preds worked quickly.
As much as my husband wasnt thrilled to "win" ducklings they really became a part if the family fast. It will kill him to have to tell the kids, but he is as broken up as they
will be.
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Wow, I am so sorry!! THe kids must be devastated!! Well, May isn't all that far away. I had PM'd Quail Hollow a few weeks ago, he couldn't remember until I told him where it was last year, but he didn't commit to going again yet.
Is there a certain time that this starts and ends? My girls have a rabbits show in Leesport that day and I was going to stop on the way back but we really won't know what time that will be, just depends on the show?
Last time it was on a Sunday, and people left early to head home... it will be interesting to see how long everyone hangs out since this time it is on Saturday...

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