North East ChickenStock 2011 Sat May 14th

I could bring MFC eggs for the auction Steph!
I could bring MFC eggs for the auction Steph!

Steph, we will be bringing Polish and maybe Silkie eggs. Depends on how they are laying. Did you get my message???
SURE, leave me out!!!!

I left Momma out too silly!
I just saw you gals
I havent seen the others since last May and you guys all get too:(
How much would you want for them or will you be donating them to the auction?

what will you have available in polish chicks? maybe we could work out a swap
How much would you want for them or will you be donating them to the auction?

what will you have available in polish chicks? maybe we could work out a swap

We will have for sure bantam WC blacks. Not sure right now what else we will have. I can let you know next week, once we know better.
So here's what we still need...

Side dishes (pasta salad, potato salad...)

ALSO: Please PM me or acid_chipmunk (she's going to be running the auction) if you have eggs available for the egg auction. I know a few people have stated that they have eggs to donate, but only a few (like 2 or 3 people). It would be AWESOME if we could get more hatching eggs donated!

EXCITING NEWS!! As far as I know channel 69 news is going to be covering the CS this year!
Steph, put us down for some mac and tater salad and a case of water. It will be easier to bring that stuff with us than deserts.

PLEASE, if you are donating eggs to the auction, PM me with what and how many and if you want all the money to go to Steph or just half.
I can bring water or soda. Any food will be bad by the time I get there. Let me know either or both.

Soda would be wonderful! Thank you

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