North East ChickenStock 2011 Sat May 14th

I dont get to see you this year at Steph's!!!!! poop! Are you coming to chickenstock at Lovins in June?
24 hours left to claim these.....If no one claims them then I'm not bringing them down.
This is what I have left to offer, everything else has been claimed. I am only going to bring the Wheaten Ameraucana pair if someone claims them. PM me if interested

Porcelain Booted Bantam Trio



LF Wheaten Ameraucana Pair (Jean Ribbeck lines): roo is almost perfect, except he got in a tiff with another roo a few days ago and a lot of his beard got pulled out. Make amazing babies. The only reason I am giving him up is because he is the father of the majority of my flock and I need to some new genes. The hen is almost 1 year and she lays beutiful blue eggs. Her coloring is almost flawless with the exception of some ticking in her hackles......VERY NICE PAIR!


Roo when I got him....I had him shipped from Jean Ribbeck 2 years ago.
We have a few ducks, Giant White Pekins. They are only a few days old.

The ducks are around 4$ and the Turkeys, broad breasted bronze, are around 9$. These are all straight run .
what kind of sikie mixes? what does PQ stand for?


I am actually not sure what in the heck they're mixed with. I believe 2 of them are "straight" silkies, but there's 2 that I'm not sure. Definitely FEATHERED (not silkie-feathered) feet, but so cute. One is very aware of what I do, and always seems to be watching me with a cocked head, sort of like, "well, what in the world are you doing NOW?" That one I may keep, but I'm not sure yet. I bought these from somebody when they were a day old, and I just can't keep all of them.

The EEs were labeled as "Araucanas", but I don't know for sure so I'm going to be selling them as EEs. I will definitely be keeping one or two of these little buggers!

I originally posted that I wanted some sort of heritage turkeys, but I bought 4 BBB turkeys from Ideal about two months ago. Today I picked up 4 Midget Whites from the feed store, so I don't "need" any now. I do love the turkeys, they have a different personality from the chickens. I don't think the BBB will be going to the table. They really are cool!
Scratch the three white Muscovy hens, they've been sold.
There are plenty of female Muscovy babies though.
I can bring 1 - 2 dozen Araucana eggs for the auction. Here is a picture of our rooster “RED” that takes care of our hens. I can’t promise they are 100% pure; we do have a White Crested Black Polish rooster that also has been hitting the girls without Red’s permission.
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Here are a few of the chickens I can bring. I'm trying not to bring and large fowl unless I have "orders" for them. Email or PM me with any requests.

Dark Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. Direct from Jerry Foley. 1 year old. $25

Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. Direct from Jerry Foley. 1 year old. $25. Currently broody, but not sitting on anything.

Coronation Sussex trios (Coronation Cockerels, and unrelated Light Sussex (split for Coronation) pullets. 2 trios available. $75/trio.
Split light/coronation cockerel available as well $10.

Easter Egger Pullets from Estes Hatchery. 3 weeks old. $5 each

Welsummer Chicks from Whitmore Farm. Hatched this weekend. $10 per pair.

Delaware Chicks from Whitmore Farm $5 each. Hatched this week. Straight run.

ALSO I have some 3 month old Delware pairs, also from Whitmore. $20 per pair.

Blue and Black Ameraucanas from Whitmore Farm. Hatched this week. $5 each. Straight run.

Assorted chicks will include a Black Sex link, a few Olive Eggers, "home-made" Easter Eggers.

I have a ton of Seramas right now, and will be bringing an assortment of birds from fresh chicks to year old breeding stock. I will have more cockerels than pullets. Prices will range from $6 for new chicks, to $75 for quality breeding stock, much of it from Jerry S. himself. Frizzled, barred, chocolate, mottled, and other colors and patterns are possible. Here are a few photos, but not necessarily the birds I am bringing.




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Alrighty guys... Here's what we are hoping to get donated yet

- Hot dog rolls
- Hamburger buns
- More soda/water

If you can bring any of the above items please pm or email me by tomorrow afternoon. Thank You all SO much!

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