North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Just got back from picking up 31 beautiful little quail. I'm really happy, now as I have been waiting forever to get some, it seems.

How old are they? Are they adult or chicks? lol They look feathered. Also, I might need to put some glasses on.
We finally were able to take a mini road trip through Northern WA, Southern BC, Eastern Montana, and Northern Idaho.  Oh my gosh, you guys that are  in Northern Idaho, live in God's Country. lol.  It is so beautiful.  It rained like crazy but it was still gorgeous. Of course when you are from the Irrigated Desert, you get some green tree envy.  :)   Got to start saving for my dream retirement up there.  
You are so right... we do live in God's country. I say that every single day, that i am so blessed to live here. I havent been above Sandpoint, ID. i would love the do the same mini road trip you di. i really want to see the glaciers. i also would love to see the east coast from NY to Canada, oh & Canada too, oh and, and, and...
i bet you had a great time.
Sorry, it was a group shot. I've tried to crop around what isn't available to only show what is available right now. None of them like to hold still for pictures haha. Here 1 is Chocolate, 2 & 4 are Wheaten and 3 is Splash Wheaten. I LOVE THIS WHEATEN #2 Splash Wheaten boy up front, the back ones are unavailable girls. ***I WOULD LOVE TO BUY THIS SPLASH WHEATEN*** All of these boys are $15 for eating or breeding.
ARE THESE CHICKENS BANTAMS? I think i asked you before... sorry, i forgot! Your wheaten's are handsome. i love the 2nd pic of the #2 Wheaten, but i should only buy one. if they are regular size? But if i have to choose only one.... i choose your Splash Wheaten, if he is reg size? thank you very much
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How old are they?  Are they adult or chicks?  lol They look feathered.  Also, I might need to put some glasses on.  :cool:

They are about 3 weeks. Generally, coturnix start laying at 6-8 weeks, so about another month until we get eggs. They still have a little growing and filling out to do before they are eating size, though.
ARE THESE CHICKENS BANTAMS? I think i asked you before... sorry, i forgot!

Your wheaten's are handsome. i love the 2nd pic of the #2 Wheaten, but i should only buy one. if they are regular size?
But if i have to choose only one.... i choose your Splash Wheaten, if he is reg size?
thank you very much

They are regular sized. Text me so We can work it the details.
They are about 3 weeks. Generally, coturnix start laying at 6-8 weeks, so about another month until we get eggs. They still have a little growing and filling out to do before they are eating size, though.
That is amazingly fast to start laying. They are pretty birds. Do they to be caged or do they get a pen? My nephew is allergic to everything and I have heard that they can be eaten by people who are allergic to chicken eggs. I have been interested them but the Mr. says "No no no." lol Sometimes life is a compromise and there is always next Spring.
@Saris I am curious how you know that they are cockerels. I don't see mini combs? Do you sex them at day olds? Or are you going off of color? I would love to know how to do that. I have some Silver Ameraucanas that I wish I knew what the heck they were.
@Saris ok, later 2day, after church. Thank you. Can i call u since i have a lot to talk about. You once told me u would help me w/breeding for color. Now, i have Qs about breeds, can you help me w/that?
and as a side note, i do have a wheaten or a splash AM (hatchery) which is what i want your splash for, BUT... she was acting tired and lethargic yesterday and to day she is up on the roosting bar and a stream of poop is hanging from her bottom... ugh.
I do have a darker AM that i have Qs for you about breeding your splash to?
As long as my splash AM doesnt infect my whole flock??? i have no idea what is going on w/her. i have to ck her out, if she is not going to make it i have to make sure my entire flock is ok???

@UGLYFOOT can you tell me some of the signs you were having in your flock w/your sick chickens? I may need to quarantine my chickens for awhile.????

I have no idea what is going on. this AM of mine is about 4yo.... that is not old, right?

thanks for any help w/my dilema, ANYONE!!??
@CyndiD after 5 would be a great time to call. If she came from a hatchery 4 is pretty old. Hatcheries breed for production, not longevity. She could be eggbound or have worms or something. Check her for lice or mites and to check her weight.

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