North Idaho / Eastern Washington

My egg didn't make it... boo

I was just digging through my freezer, to get ice blocks that I wrap in cloths to put out in the chicken coop to keep birds cool, and found...

blackberries from last year! I am going to make muffins tomorrow morning!
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Thanks for the info! It's very nice to hear from someone who's had dobermans around chickens!
By the way, are you by any chance interested in any or all of the drakes? I don't mean to push, I'm just curious because you mentioned them previously. They are just for giveaway, not for lack of quality or health, just for lack of my space and females! ;-)
Hi, i want to say that I Did Not have chickens when i had my Dobermans... sorry if i misled you. I have had dobermans in the 1980's and 90's, but not since then, and did not have chickens then. sorry.
I have been wanting Harlequin & Kaki ducks, BUT, i already have13 drakes and 22 ducks and none of them are WH or KC, so i will have to pass on your drakes. i dont have the room for them either. i would have to ask my husband to build me another duck house, and i know what the answer to that is since he is building me more chicken pens right now.... im so sorry, i have to decline your generous offer.

edit my typo's
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Hi, i want to say that I Did Not have chickens when i had my Dobermans... sorry if i misled you. I have had dobermans in the 1980's and 90's, but not since then, and did not have chickens then. sorry.
I have been wanting Harlequin & Kaki ducks, BUT, i already have13 drakes and 22 ducks and none of them are WH or KC, so i will have to pass on your drakes. i dont have the room for them either. i would have to ask my husband to build me another duck house, and i know what the answer to that is since he is building me more chicken pens right now.... im so sorry, i have to decline your generous offer.

edit my typo's
Oh don't worry about it, the dog or the ducks!
Let me know if you know anyone who would want them! (the ducks that is...
Well i need some serious advice!!
My chicks which are 1 week old now are covered in lice.
Im guessing
The mom broody hen i got from my dad to sit on my eggs had them.
The day they hatched i noticed some white specs on the black chicks head
Didnt think much of it.
Finally able to get close enuf today and they are covered in lice. Their heads are.
I am soooooo stressed . And how to clean the coop?
Thankfully they are no where near the rest of my flock.
And havent been near them either.
My other chickens have never had lice or mites or anything.
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summer is going well. We weny camping a couple times so far and have been spending. Aloy of time outside on projects. Hooe your summer is foing good.
things are going well around here. Mark is painting our Hay shed and then my duck house. one of my drakes was hanging on the fence a few days ago, he is better, but still limping... he is just like a man, he wont stay down & rest in his pen area, he wants out w/t ducks & he keeps getting out.
im getting 1 more SGD tomorrow morning, i have a cockrel. Mark is making more chicken coop pens for me, since i have so many that need to be seperated. i can hardly wait til it is done....
where did you go camping? we could all go camping in our back 40 acres and feel like we are camping, if you know what i mean? How is Mason? cute as ever!! give him a hug from me.
Well i need some serious advice!!
My chicks which are 1 week old now are covered in lice.
Im guessing
The mom broody hen i got from my dad to sit on my eggs had them.
The day they hatched i noticed some white specs on the black chicks head
Didnt think much of it.
Finally able to get close enuf today and they are covered in lice. Their heads are.
I am soooooo stressed . And how to clean the coop?
Thankfully they are no where near the rest of my flock.
And havent been near them either.
My other chickens have never had lice or mites or anything.
this BYC thread was helpful,

hope this helps

I found this site from the above site...

edit to add above site
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@Scrambles55 Sorry, haven't been on much the last few weeks, life has been CRAZY!!

When can I get the boy? I have this weekend off. Can get him Saturday evening/Sunday morning, which ever works better for you!

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