Northern California Meet Up/Chicken Swap - Sunday October 10th!

Okay everyone, I'm heading down to the bay area shortly and most likely won't be checking the site tonight, so you all have to party in the thread without me in the meantime.
I'll see you all tomorrow, though!
I'm really looking forward to it!
Cheryl would you mind pming me with directions? I want to have them just in case.

Waiting for a call from the shop and don't know how long I'll be there after.

Since everyone has so much going on I figured I might as well ask now instead of bugging you in the middle of something.


Boy I hope we make it.
I just modified the spreadsheet for my food contribution -- we're coming directly from somewhere else so we'll be somewhat late and won't have any way to keep devilled eggs cold, so I'll bring fruit along with our cheese and crackers. Something tells me we're gonna have plenty of food!!

Looking forward to meeting everyone!
OK so with all the craziness (we've been working on coop #3 most of the day and party stuff) my cell phone made it's way into the washing machine

If anyone needs to call for directions or has gotten lost or just needs me! Call my house phone 925-284-0546
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Cheryl I'm so sorry that happened!

Well, all my shopping is DONE! I am thrilled. Now all I have to do is prepare everything for tomorrow, clean out the car and go pick up laundry so I can have some clothes to wear!

Cheryl, one more thing, could you PM/email me the address to your house so I can google my way there.
you're cleaning out the car to prepare for tomorrow?
I'll try to find some kids to wash my car, but that's as far as I'll go.

I guess I need to get Cheryl's address, too. Otherwise, I'll be wandering Lafayette, and it's a pretty big place.
If anyone has a couple of patio umbrellas, I would appreciate it if you can slip them in the car. I want to make sure all the for sale animals are well shaded

so I've got paint all over me, deck and patio full of leaves and a messy house - you'd never know the gardener and cleaning ladies came yesterday.... yikes
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