Norwegian Jaerhon

My Jaerhorn is my sweet girl she lets me pick her up and ruffle her back feathers. I s always gentle with me. go figure thought they would be flighty.
Aw, that's so sweet. Mine don't know me yet, so are still flighty. I'm bribing them with sprouted oats/wheat/barley which they love.
This new trio of Jaers of mine is quite productive! I picked them up on Jan 24 and I've already gotten 13 eggs! Wasn't expecting that! And at least 4 of the 5 I put in the bator last week are fertile, need to look closer at the 5th. Have 8 more as backups just sitting there on the counter waiting their turn. My plan to have a small bator so I didn't go crazy hatching chicks is starting to slip... : )

I'm so glad they're working out so well for you! They were always my most productive birds. Wish I could have kept them, but time demands just got to me. I'm so glad you are enjoying them!!!
Have some new Jaer hatchlings and wanted to double check that I was sexing them correctly!
Not the best picture, working on that! But the one on the bottom left looks to be female, and the other two are male correct? The ones I think are male are also lighter than the one I think is female, just doesn't show well in this picture. Pretty sure of the 4 that hatched I've got 2 and 2. The top chick isn't a Jaerhon.

Have some new Jaer hatchlings and wanted to double check that I was sexing them correctly!
Not the best picture, working on that! But the one on the bottom left looks to be female, and the other two are male correct? The ones I think are male are also lighter than the one I think is female, just doesn't show well in this picture. Pretty sure of the 4 that hatched I've got 2 and 2. The top chick isn't a Jaerhon.

Yes. If she is brown with a white dot, she is female. If he's more of a light tone all throughout the body and a bigger dot on the head that spreads out, he is a male.
It's getting easier to tell them apart as they fluff out! 2 girls and 2 boys so far. And one of the girls is the smartest of the whole batch! And kind of cuddly too. : ) Thanks!
Hey! Someone else is on here! :) Congrats! Where are yours from? Other than the 'original 12'. :) My next 'hatch' of NJs, hopefully Tues won't be 50:50 since its one egg. but I'm good with 50:50 at this point. First 4 are a riot to watch in the brooder, and the girls are quite social, the males not as much. A little suspicion in a too isn't a bad thing.
My solo egg hatched out another NJ female this morning. She's still drying of but looks nice. Need to figure a way to partition part of my hot plate in the brooder so she can have a little area of her own while the week olds get used to her. They're already 3x her size, wasn't expecting quite that much difference after only a week. Next week we'll see what the other 8 turn out to be, hopefully. Knowing me I'll load up another bator with saved eggs tho' if I do that I really should cobble together some sort of hatcher since 8 eggs in a Mini is going to get crowded fast if all the eggs hatch! Have a week to decide I guess. Funny little chicks tho', so adventurous!

Week olds: (plus 2 Iowa Blues, or IAB crosses)

The newbie girl. I missed the whole thing by sleeping in, didn't expect anything till tonight!
My solo egg hatched out another NJ female this morning. She's still drying of but looks nice. Need to figure a way to partition part of my hot plate in the brooder so she can have a little area of her own while the week olds get used to her. They're already 3x her size, wasn't expecting quite that much difference after only a week. Next week we'll see what the other 8 turn out to be, hopefully. Knowing me I'll load up another bator with saved eggs tho' if I do that I really should cobble together some sort of hatcher since 8 eggs in a Mini is going to get crowded fast if all the eggs hatch! Have a week to decide I guess. Funny little chicks tho', so adventurous!

Week olds: (plus 2 Iowa Blues, or IAB crosses)

The newbie girl. I missed the whole thing by sleeping in, didn't expect anything till tonight!
I'm loving all of the updates on them! Thanks so much for continuing to post about them! I am so happy they are just as productive and fun for you as they were for me! I miss them, but it's nice to see them carrying on!

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