Not a Marans, then what is it?

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That depends on the individual Wellie and the individual Marans. A good Marans can lay a darker egg than a good Wellie, but a good Wellie can lay a darker egg than a bad "Marans".

Friendliness will also vary. Some Wellies are very friendly, some not so much. Same with Marans. I have some very calm Marans, and a couple of very flighty ones. Wellies are often said to be flighty as youngsters, getting calmer with age.

I personally like both breeds quite a lot. If you just want a nice bird that lays pretty eggs, go with the Wellies. If you like a challenge and something a bit more exotic, then Marans may be the breed for you.

ETA: If you'd like to see some pics comparing egg colors, go here:
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fla_native, My Standard does not say a Cochin must not lay every day, in fact it does not specify how often a Cochin should lay. If your bird meets the Standard, and lays an egg every day, I would call it a bloody good Cochin, and be proud of it.
Sorry if this gives you some sort of problem because it is a good layer. If you want less productive Cochins give it to a Cochin breeder that will appreciate it,
Obviously you MARANS missionaries just dont get the point of the of the cochin or you are intentionally obtuse.
Either way ,feel as you wish. DNA be darn, color is the thing!
Just so I have this straight, ...To be a MARANS, it must lay dark eggs, there fore, if it lays the proper shade of egg it must be a MARANS?
BTW, my wife is not human!
You see, Im human...I was born with 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, standard hearing(as determined by the AMA) and 20/20 vision.
All this being the standard for humans...again, the AMA.
My wife however was born without the standard 20/20 vision, and if your theory on DNA and egg color is correct then she cant possibly be human.

My point to all this being....maybe you show snobs cool it with the high brow crap....attitudes such as yours have ruined more than one breed .
Ive said all I going to say on this subject, Admin should feel free to ban away.
The only attitude I'm seeing here is yours fla_native....and it stinks. These are not the people who have been ruining the breed. It's people who are in it to make a buck off of the Marans craze and continue to sell inferior stock whether they lay the proper color eggs or not who have been ruining the breed.
You're arguing with the wrong people. Go argue with the people who wrote the it the French?

Actually, your wife is probably human. Im sure she has a brain.

You, on the other hand....
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