Not eating your own chickens' eggs??

It's almost like a ? I was asked yesterday "why do you keep chicken" well does fresh better tasting eggs and healthier meat(ok the me is later though).
I used to be pretty indifferent to the taste of eggs. Now that I have chickens - and access to FRESH eggs - I truly love my daily egg in the morning!
I have a friend who won't eat eggs unless they are purchased at a store. I asked her why - and this rather intelligent woman said (edited a bit) "Because when they come from someone's back yard - well, it is very clear that the egg is coming out of a chicken's rear end. When you see them at the store, they don't come out of a chicken's read end - they come from the store!" Apparently, the distance and time from a chicken's "rear end" helps people forget or at least ignore where the eggs come from?

I am not making this up.
A lot of people who are allergic to chicken eggs are not allergic to duck eggs

We eat the duck eggs from our utility ducks... most runners and khaki campbells can outlay any chicken.... egg laying machines! I admit though that I was a bit timid about eating the eggs when they first started laying. They do not look like store bought eggs in cleanliness, and they belonged to my babies! However once we turned them into omelets the first time, I got over it.
But how could you not even pick up the eggs? I think my coop would be a solid mass of eggs if I didn't pick them up everyday!

And if your coop is hard is that to fix? Clean the stinkin' thing! I can't imagine not eating the eggs. We eat a LOT of eggs at my house.
I will admit that I never ate the goose eggs when I had geese. .. just didn't like the taste of them. I would use them in cooking, however.

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