Not in the Christmas spirit?

Oh Grit, you remind me a lot about hubby. His dad passed before Christmas as well and it was very sad. He is slowly coming around but he just detests the idea of Christmas being a family thing- because of his dysfunctional family. He has now found a new family in me and my parents, who have adopted him like their son, as well as the animals. So we just make Christmas our own thing- and that doesn’t include staying up late and cooking to fit some crazy picture of how a holiday party at the office is supposed to look like. I keep hearing all those people talk about how much they spent for Christmas and I am just
. Maybe you can make Christmas something else that is special for you. Have hubby take you around in the police cruiser (just joking...I think) or do something else special. Who cares of how Christmas is supposed to look like and whether or not you have a tree. It is what you make of it for yourself.

DH is headed to town today to finish his Christmas shopping for me. Since he will be putting out $1650 on Wednesday for a medical need of mine, I have told him not to worry about buying me anything else, but he's stubborn.

While he's in town he will pick up the baking supplies I need. Every year I make a big batch of fudge and a cheesecake for the officers that will be working on Christmas Eve and Day.

The other day my older stepdaughter informed me that they (her, her hubby and our grandson) have decided to stay home for Christmas. Works for me. Frees me from having to worry about preparing a huge meal and the mess that entails. DH and I will have filet mignon with all the trimmings.
Oh Grit, you remind me a lot about hubby. His dad passed before Christmas as well and it was very sad. He is slowly coming around but he just detests the idea of Christmas being a family thing- because of his dysfunctional family. He has now found a new family in me and my parents, who have adopted him like their son, as well as the animals. So we just make Christmas our own thing- and that doesn’t include staying up late and cooking to fit some crazy picture of how a holiday party at the office is supposed to look like. I keep hearing all those people talk about how much they spent for Christmas and I am just
. Maybe you can make Christmas something else that is special for you. Have hubby take you around in the police cruiser (just joking...I think) or do something else special. Who cares of how Christmas is supposed to look like and whether or not you have a tree. It is what you make of it for yourself.

DH is headed to town today to finish his Christmas shopping for me. Since he will be putting out $1650 on Wednesday for a medical need of mine, I have told him not to worry about buying me anything else, but he's stubborn.

While he's in town he will pick up the baking supplies I need. Every year I make a big batch of fudge and a cheesecake for the officers that will be working on Christmas Eve and Day.

The other day my older stepdaughter informed me that they (her, her hubby and our grandson) have decided to stay home for Christmas. Works for me. Frees me from having to worry about preparing a huge meal and the mess that entails. DH and I will have filet mignon with all the trimmings.

Same here. Just dished out a healty amount of $$$ to get the truck fixed, bought a new horsie to replace the one that died, otherwise might as well get out of the breeding business, and then all the other expenses. Yuck. I will cut back until at least March. The less people to deal with for the holidays, the better
My stepdaughter "informed" me that DH and I should buy the grandson a certain toy. Some kind of plastic thing that cost just a tad below $50. I looked it over really well. What I saw was a toy that would be ruined the first time GS took it outside or when he decided to take it in the tub with him. Forget it.

We bought him something useful (no, not clothes). It boogles my mind to see so many people in the stores, frantically searching for gifts for every single person they know. That's not what Christmas is about, now is it.

Same here. I always appreciate a useful gift much more. I don't need a 5th calendar, key chain, chocolate, horsie letter paper, etc. I have everything I need! Hubby is getting new socks because he always needs new socks by the end of the year. I will get new mucking boots because I go through those like crazy. That's it. My biggest contributions this year was to get a water line out to the barn, and to be fortunate enough to find a new horse so that we continue doing what we're going. Hubby has been paying the mortgage. What more is there to give?

Edited to add that this is from a person whose brother dresses his kids only in the finest designer clothes, they go to eat only in the finest restaurants (my 7 year old nephew knows the name of some french dishes I have never heard of in my life!) while continously denying the fact that he is the son of a farmer family. He grew up making hay by hand, no tractors. It would be funny if it weren't true.
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Same here. I always appreciate a useful gift much more. I don't need a 5th calendar, key chain, chocolate, horsie letter paper, etc. I have everything I need! Hubby is getting new socks because he always needs new socks by the end of the year. I will get new mucking boots because I go through those like crazy. That's it. My biggest contributions this year was to get a water line out to the barn, and to be fortunate enough to find a new horse so that we continue doing what we're going. Hubby has been paying the mortgage. What more is there to give?


Some of us have everything and if there is something we want or need, we would get it ourselves.

Undies and socks are the two things that would need to be replinished every year LOL!
We went shopping the other day to buy for the (step)daughters, one son-in-law and grandson. While in walmart DH asked me to give him some ideas about what I want for Christmas. I honestly couldn't think of anything I want just for me. I have everything I need and a whole bunch of stuff I don't need. So I told him there was two things I'd like to have - a new carbon monoxide detector (to replace one that's getting old) and a HEPA air purifier.

He won't buy them for me because he said those are things for the house, not for me. It's going to be interesting to see what I get.
this season is horrible for me. My mom sent a box with presents, I opened one, a beautiful red sweater, but I c ant wear it because I'm still in mourning & wearing black
I feel dead
Christmas is hard for me too, but I don't let it show. In 1999 I had a miscarrage at 17 weeks gestation on Dec 16. In 2000 I had a miscarrage at 19 weeks on Dec 22. Time heals, but inside this time of year always gets to me. But I put on a strong show for the kids, family and hubby. Inside I cry.

OP - I think a potluck is a potluck, bring whatever you want, and since you aren't gonna even be there
on them!!!! At least you were considerate to donate, which is in the Christmas spirit. I feel like more and more Christmas is becoming a commercial and financial competition, not a holiday.

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