Not really duck related but need some fingers crossed for me!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 18, 2011
North Port, Fl
My hubby and I have been looking for a new, bigger place for us, the kids, the dog and the ducks (thinking about adding chickens and goats too LoL)....we were offered a place with some acerage (already fenced in), a coop already built, and a barn that would be just PERFECT for us. Lots of room for the ducks!!!! Problem is there is another man looking at it, an investor that probably intends to just knock it down and put up some condos like everyone else in the area is doing. We want this house sooooo badly! We will know by tommorrow night if we get it or not....please please keep your fingers and little webbed toes crossed for us!!!
for you!
You said it! It's getting a little bit rediculous I think, wonder what happened to good old fashioned country living??? I miss it.
It would be great if you were able to state your intentions with the land to the seller. They might just be one of them types of people that don't want to see it made into condos. Ya never know.
Oh I already have...the man that owns it owns several houses outright and has been renting them but has tired pretty quickly of dealing with tenants. I didn't want to seem too eager but he does know that the land would actually be used not developed on. He's asking the other potential buyer for over $100,000 MORE than what he is asking from me and they are squabbling over figures right now, hopefully it's enough to make him move on.
Praying that it all works out for you. I love my home but would love to move to a more secluded, bigger area. I can't, but it would be nice to know someone who was able to do so. Good luck!

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