Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!

Dreams in pink, I would say it's Pullet. You have yourself a Girl!
My littles are only 2 weeks. I know it is too early to know much. Daisy, the one at in the middle with all the interesting markings (one day old!), has always made me wonder if she could be a he. Looking through these posts, I am still wondering! I have seen MANY babies on here that look like her, grow up to be a him. Most posts I have read suggest that by color, she should be a boy. Her legs are very thick, and her voice is quite different than the other girls. The thing that keeps me leaning towards her being a girl is that she seems to be feathering normally...the same as my other chicks who are her age. I'm wondering if your EE roos feathered slowly? [COLOR=B42000] T[/COLOR]hese pics are today...two weeks [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] This is Shard, my other EE. She was very plain, gray and brown, when I first brought her home. But now I'm seeing lots of copper and maybe blue in her wings these days! I am anxious to see what these ladies look like when they grow up!!! [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR]
Here is the back guy closer
4 week old cuckoo marans. Pretty sure the one in the back is a roo not sure about the front one. I have another one that has a much smaller yellower comb.
Thinking those two cuckoos are roos...
4 week old BAs 1)
The BA looks rooish...
My littles are only 2 weeks. I know it is too early to know much. Daisy, the one at in the middle with all the interesting markings (one day old!), has always made me wonder if she could be a he. Looking through these posts, I am still wondering! I have seen MANY babies on here that look like her, grow up to be a him. Most posts I have read suggest that by color, she should be a boy. Her legs are very thick, and her voice is quite different than the other girls. The thing that keeps me leaning towards her being a girl is that she seems to be feathering normally...the same as my other chicks who are her age. I'm wondering if your EE roos feathered slowly? [COLOR=B42000] T[/COLOR]hese pics are today...two weeks [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] This is Shard, my other EE. She was very plain, gray and brown, when I first brought her home. But now I'm seeing lots of copper and maybe blue in her wings these days! I am anxious to see what these ladies look like when they grow up!!! [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR]
How many rows are on the EEs' combs? If three, probably rooster, if one, probably pullet.

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