Noticed Hen with bare vent area


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2017
I just noticed this afternoon that one of my hens vent looked more bare than usual! Did not look red or swollen. And I have not checked for lice/mites yet. (Waiting for her to roost tonight.) could this just be from the rooster mating with her? He's got 10 girls. Any input would be appreciated. thanks!!
Apparently, fluffy butt feathers are quite tasty to other hens, (who knew?) they often will pluck someone else bum pretty bare! As long as there are no signs of skin or vent damage you can try some Blukote or similar to hide the area from pecking beaks....
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Welcome! :)   Apparently, fluffy butt feathers are quite tasty to other hens, (who knew?)  they often will pluck someone else bum pretty bare! As long as there are no signs of skin or vent damage you can try some Blukote or similar to hide the area from pecking beaks....

Thank you! I checked her this morning. No bugs, no bleeding or irritation. There was some stuff on some of her feathers that I am assuming is from the rooster. It was hard on feathers it was stuck to. White and actually looked like styrofoam.
I watch the birds most of the day because they free range and we have neighbors dogs that sometimes lurk. I don't notice anyone else eating at eachother. Just pruning themselves

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