November 2022 Hatch-a-long

I'm not having much luck with shipped eggs, lots of damaged air cells lately. I'm down to 3 eggs, 2 were clear and one was an early quitter. the three that are no good were Polish eggs and the remaining are Silkie, so will have Silkies or Silkie x Polish (polkie?)
I feel your pain! I have shipped eggs in the bator right now, due to hatch on 11/2 and I got 19 eggs and have 3 left. All the shipped eggs I got after about end of May have failed terribly, so I’m really hoping these three can make it. I’ll be super sad if they don’t hatch! I should have timed it better and used a couple of broody hens instead. They do a much better job than the incubator does! Oh well, fingers crossed for both of us!
I was messing with the trays to try and get the turning aligned and lost my grip, smashed an egg with the lid :( So now it's 11 Svart Hona eggs :(

Oh no! I swear every time I handle shipped eggs I have visions of them getting smashed one way or another. It's so nerve racking. Best of luck to your remaining 11! :fl
Well, not doing too great with my shipped eggs either! I culled 8 early quitters yesterday. This is my first time using a Nuture Right 360. I'm wondering if the horizontal turner is a bit too rough on shipped eggs. I had several wobbly air cells which may have been more delicate.

Anyway, I still have 13 left so I'm hoping most hold on for lockdown next weekend.
These are mine, all 9 are moving but air cells seem really small, I've removed water and opened vents on incubator
2 of the 3 eggs have hatched and the third has pipped! looks like a Silkie and Silkie/Polish but I'll have a better look when out of the incubator. I might squeeze another hatch in this month, they will hatch either right at the end or roll over to next month
I mailed my money for the eggs, I just realized, I will have to sign up for the Dec. hatch.
My eggs take a day to get to me, but with the mail you never know. The good thing is coming the next state over, (next to the state line,) and I am central, it doesn't have far to come, just 5hrs one way straight shot. But I am sure the eggs will sit around a little bit. I am asking for just one doz. She will send pures but a variety.
Below is what she sent before...
Ok, I've got 8 eggs in lockdown (day 18)! A bit disappointing when I started with 31, but that's the gamble with shipped eggs I guess.

Oh, and I managed to dent/crack one with my flashlight on day 14 while candling :barnie ... so I quickly covered the crack with melted beeswax. My heart totally sank when it happened, but so far the veining still looks healthy so I'm hopeful the chick has a chance.

How is everyone else doing?

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