NY chicken lover!!!!

I'm over my limit for roosters, I already have a "Kellogg's Rooster" (I think it's a welsummer?) that I got free last year from murray mcmurray when I ordered my other chicks, very pretty and going on a year hasn't tried to attack me yet......a blue Giant Cochin Rooster (which I have a mate for yayy!) he's soooo gentle, a Cuckoo Maran rooster (which I have about 6 ladies in waiting for him for this spring, and last but not least a Silver Laced Wyandotte Roo (two mates for him yay!).

After that I have a huge mixed assortment ( I ordered like 2 of everything last year) ranging from RIR's, black jersey giants, barred rocks,white leghorns (NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN!), speckled sussex (soooo pretty), buff orps ( a fave of mine, so gentle), black autralorps, cuckoo marans, EE'S, two mutts, and a whole bunch of bantams.

My DH bought me some OEG chicks last spring as a surprise...like 4 of the 5 ended up being roosters, they are spitfires and I'm too soft hearted to dispatch them....my bantams I got at auction in bath this fall and I love them, a partridge cochin and a golden laced cochin, two hens who act like they want to go broody all the time, I have high hopes for them come spring, am resisting the urge to buy an incubator, I really hope they come thru!

In addition we also have 10 guines, 1 Bourbon Red Tom Turkey and 2 Bronze turkey hens that needed to go to the butcher 50 lbs ago....am waiting for them to fix their machinery, I may have to rent a professional freezer to store them by the time they get butchered!

I'm sneaking peeks at the new Murray Mcmurray catalogue which DH threatened to burn tonight but didn't, instead he handed it to me so I guess that meana approval to buy more chicks come spring in the male language right?
I am currently drooling over (and probably going to order):

mottled cochin bantams (look up their pics oh my word! sooo pretty)
golden laced cochin bantams & partridge too so my others aren't so alone
maybe a few frizzled cochins? they look cool!
EE (of course)
maybe a speckled sussex roo for next year breeding?
buff orps (someone please restrain me!)
partridge cochins too? (they say in the catalogue they are valuable as setting hens....)
wow the silver penciled wyandottes look awesome too..........

oh my thats 8 breeds....if I get 4 each.....ARGGGHHHH step away amy! step away! go burn the catalogue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hee hee hee....wonder if my dear uncle and cousin will build me another TAJMAHAL COOP?????
OMG....you are TOO FUNNY, thetajmahalcoop!!! Wish you and Mathias lived closer!! I greatly enjoy reading your posts!! I'd always be willing to take your excess roos(I do a fair amount of rescues)....and I totally love all the roos. I currently have at least 25 of them....some are mine, most are rescues that were destined for the dinner table. I find the roos fascinating and beautiful.....definitely "personality plus"!!! Keep posting!!
LOL! I missed my calling....I really wanted to be a writer.....instead I'm a nurse.......I could tell you a million funny stories there but that's for another website all together LOL!
Sounds like a nice mix of chicks you are going to get!
Good Morning, Joyryder!!!
I've really had no major problems with keeping all the roosters in the same barn,same yard. They ,on occasion, do what I call the little "challenge dance"....but nothing ever comes of it. No serious fights,no bloodshed. I keep my really small banty roos (Seramas and Mille Fleurs) separate,of course. All the roos I have are rather friendly. So far...so good. Barry explained it that if you have a larger number of roosters they usually "self-regulate" themselves,with each rooster knowing his place within the flock's hierachy. The same seems to hold true for drakes. I have a lot (50 at the moment)....they all get along fine.
Speak to you a bit later!!!
Hi, Jerseygirl1!!!
Yes....the roosters are definitely gorgeous...."eye candy " for the yard!! But they're also so much more than that. Each has a separate personality.....different little quirks. For instance Redman(my Americauna/RIR cross) will literally pose in front of a mirror for half an hour at a time if I put one outside in the yard.....it's quite comical. I've been teaching him to crow on cue. Must go out to tend the flock......be back later!!

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