NY chicken lover!!!!

Thanks. :( I'm so upset about this.
I know I am so sorry .
The one walking backward may also have a different issue
Wry Neck ? selenium and vitamin E... Deficiency
Other options
1 ) take them back ? chances are their flock already has it .(would others do this ? )
2 ) treat them with antibiotics
3) is there something in the quarantine that they are reacting to ?
Cedar ? Alfalfa ? Chemicals ?
4 ) Apple Cider with mother in their water will de-congest them
If you decide to cull ..the area they were in should be disinfected good
I've and am considering getting a few chickens but not sure I have any lights left to raise chicks. Sold all my stuff. However, (please don't preach) but being single I've met a guy who we've both share the same interests. Gardening, etc. etc. Keep in mind I'm 67 so it is what it is. It's a long story. I've four grown children and am expecting my 9 grandchild.

Still working at Wegmans, so some help would be nice. Lord have mercy they can't seem to keep help and hours fluctuate. I only want 20 but have been bumped up to near 40 hr. I'm getting to old for this ..............well you know. Still it's good to stay busy. FYI they hire cashiers at 14. Things got crazy with this virus thing and some parents wouldn't let their kids work so they were short on cashiers. :lol:

Anyhow I miss my chickens so was considering getting some older hens that go broody to hatch chicks. I sold the incubator long ago. Hens do a much better job. Haven't made the move to Texas .................yet. I suppose as time goes on and when next winter begins to roll around, I'll be more inclined to go. Someone here recommended a Rav 4 for a new car and I took their advice and got it in July.

I've had to do a lot of clean up in the garden and will have to add some new raised beds. I've been getting lots of cardboard from the store to lay down between the raised beds. FYI recycle some cardboard. Why pay for garden cloths that doesn't break down ? Darned if I could get the weed whacker going. Even bought a new one. Not high end but darned if I could get it started. I'll give a go again in a few days. Bought a gizmo that supposed to start it with an drill.
Posted to CL for someone to come and do it for me, but you know how that goes. Even older folks can be lazy. Not wanting to drive and all that.
Well folks have a nice day.
This is wht we all want ..
One of every color
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Thanks. :( I'm so upset about this. We do have land but don't need the extra work of taking care of two coops. I should have known better but was so excited that this person had the two breeds I was looking for and was close by. And my feelings aside, what a rotten life for these two birds and to have it end like this. Have only known them a couple days and the tears are running knowing what their fate is.
What about taking them back? Just give them back to the seller??
Well, it's over. We considered taking them back but felt like we would be blamed for them getting sick. My husband said when we got there and saw the place we should have just driven on by. It wasn't a good set up and I'm sure they were probably about to get sick anyway. There were things that made us wonder if we should buy them or not but don't want to get too exact as there's always a chance the people might be a part of this forum. We didn't consider that maybe they might be allergic to something but we built a quarantine box that included a nesting box and roosting bars all out of the same wood our big coop is out of and it didn't bother any of our flock. They were drinking alot but not much eating. Seemed super happy to have some treats. Very quiet and not active.
We are going to take the box apart and burn it. I am physically sick over this. We've been so lucky with our flock, never had to do this. I hope we did the right thing. From here on in we are only buying chicks, even if we have to pay more to get just 3 at a time. That was our downfall, we only wanted two and no place lets you buy just two. And can never seem to find someone that wants 4 at the same time we want to get ours. :(
Between this and all the corona panic I'm about to lose my mind. Thanks all for not judging and really trying to help me thru this. I appreciate it. I still feel like a horrible person though. This too shall pass.....
Well, it's over. We considered taking them back but felt like we would be blamed for them getting sick. My husband said when we got there and saw the place we should have just driven on by. It wasn't a good set up and I'm sure they were probably about to get sick anyway. There were things that made us wonder if we should buy them or not but don't want to get too exact as there's always a chance the people might be a part of this forum. We didn't consider that maybe they might be allergic to something but we built a quarantine box that included a nesting box and roosting bars all out of the same wood our big coop is out of and it didn't bother any of our flock. They were drinking alot but not much eating. Seemed super happy to have some treats. Very quiet and not active.
We are going to take the box apart and burn it. I am physically sick over this. We've been so lucky with our flock, never had to do this. I hope we did the right thing. From here on in we are only buying chicks, even if we have to pay more to get just 3 at a time. That was our downfall, we only wanted two and no place lets you buy just two. And can never seem to find someone that wants 4 at the same time we want to get ours. :(
Between this and all the corona panic I'm about to lose my mind. Thanks all for not judging and really trying to help me thru this. I appreciate it. I still feel like a horrible person though. This too shall pass.....

Sorry you had to go through this. It's not fun :hugs

What breeds is it you're looking for? Someone on here might be able to help you out.
Thanks Pyxis, I'm afraid right now if I mention the breeds it would be a giveaway if the people happen to be on this forum (I don't think so but don't want to take the chance). And, I think we're done with looking for adult hens. Only chicks from now on. Ugh, so traumatized.
Thanks Pyxis, I'm afraid right now if I mention the breeds it would be a giveaway if the people happen to be on this forum (I don't think so but don't want to take the chance). And, I think we're done with looking for adult hens. Only chicks from now on. Ugh, so traumatized.
I can imagine ...I hate when chickens ...are sick and suffering .
You did what was best for them ..They were suffering .You ended that ..
You also did what is best for your flock ...
Not all people who have animals take care of them ...
We are here because we do want to ...and to help others ..with their flocks
Nothing to judge Sweetie
I am looking for Marans , and blue layers and green layer s ,
And I have always wanted a Barred Rock ...They are so pretty .
Not that I need more chickens LOL

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