NY chicken lover!!!!

Phore...you are going to make all the men nervous with that demo!!!
Good morning all! I have a flock of Rhodebars..two roosters and 11 hens and 3 Heritage RIR that I would love to have them go to someone who will breed them. I have improved them over the last few years but can no longer continue to breed them. I just can't keep up. Hence why i haven't been on here in a long time. If I can figure out how to post the pictures here I will, if not please contact me and I will email or text them to you. Will consider any reasonable offer. Thanks.
Good morning all! I have a flock of Rhodebars..two roosters and 11 hens and 3 Heritage RIR that I would love to have them go to someone who will breed them. I have improved them over the last few years but can no longer continue to breed them. I just can't keep up. Hence why i haven't been on here in a long time. If I can figure out how to post the pictures here I will, if not please contact me and I will email or text them to you. Will consider any reasonable offer. Thanks.
How old are they? We just lost our rhodebar rooster to a leg issue...miss him everyday. He was so sweet and none of his friends hatched for me in that hatch so he was the only lil rhodebar.
I've got a keet! My BO broody has hatched one buff dundotte so far, and maybe more but I didn't want to disturb them too much. I'll be happy with even just one, since it will mean my remaining adult guinea will have a friend, and maybe a girlfriend if I'm lucky. I'm pretty sure at least three more eggs were alive at lockdown though so fingers crossed there will be more!
I went a little picture crazy today, so I hope no one minds :p

Raptor decided to actually pose for a picture for once:


Actually he was being good and let me get a few nice ones, including him dancing for a hen. I think he's beautiful but she wasn't as impressed.




And my guinea today decided it was a good idea to pick a fight with the broody whose chicks are due in a couple days. I don't think he'll do it again.



And back on the nest after all the excitement.

Fussy hen!!! Can't get a better looking boy then Raptor!!! I am happy to look at the pics.
And nobody messes with "the broody" stupid bird.

This is one of the gardens I've been working on. I put potatoes and pumpkins in 3 other smaller gardens, and I also stuck some pumpkin seed in the compost to see what will happen. I have peppers, cukes, and tomatoes in the beds along the house. I still have 1 section of potatoes and a row of sunflowers to plant. We've remulched around our fruit trees too.

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