NY Gay Pride Weekend

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I am sure there are some near where you live. They have them here and I live in Alabama. I love going to them. The music, the costumes, and the general atmosphere is great.

Just type in your area name and put drag show in a search engine and you probably will find one nearby.
Very true - not sure whether some lip sinc or not... I know there were some gorgeous drag entertainers at a nearby (gay) club that's popular in our area. Heck, my eyes were bugging out at how drop-dead some of the singers were, and I'm a straight female...lol. I could only imagine a guy's reaction.
And some were a bit (intentionally) comical - Mae Westish with a LOT of paint. Very fun night of entertainment, especially with a bunch of girlfriends
2 years ago, I sold a bass boat to one of these jaw dropping ladies. When she got out of her truck, I thought the guy I had spoke to over the phone had sent his hot wife to come pick the boat up for him. For an hour we talked fishin, huntin and 1940's Cadillacs. My girlfriend was due home at any minute, and I doubt she would have been cool with the whole idea of...anything that she was seeing. Would it have been cheating if I had gone fishin with this person??

Remember when Ricki Lake or Maury would have the shows with the drag queens? And they'd take a dude from the audience and he'd have to choose wether the hottie before him was a guy or a girl? More often than not, he'd publically embarrass himself on national tv by choosing the wrong person as the woman.

Most the time I was wrong too, except I was in the privacy of my own home. Either way, I'm no stranger to publically embarrassing myself. And, I pretty much summed up the caliber of person I am by admitting that I watched Ricki and Maury.
I am the proud mom of gay and lesbian children. Hooray for New York; I hope everyone had a good time.

As far as inappropriate behavior ... the last time I was at Universal Studios, when my kids were youngsters, we went on the Jurassic park ride. It has a 60 degree drop at the end and in the car ahead of us, the nice young ladies all lifted their shirts as they went off the edge to get a booby shot from the automatic photo concession. Now, Gay Pride and Mardi Gras are not geared towards children, so nudity and wild behavior are not all that shocking. But Universal Studios? Disneyland?? The kids thought it was hilarious, by the way.
Ewesheep, you have to take into consideration that a lot of ideas about 'husbands' and 'wives' are stereotypes from many, many years ago. In general, it is considered to be incredibly rude to ask, 'which one of you is the husband, and which one of you is the wife?' Which is like asking, which one of you is more dominant in specific unmentionable situations, which is no one's business. Of course in some situations, especially with young folks who just love to say outrageous things for a laugh, people would ask such a thing as a kind of informal joke, and expect to get a joke or get teased right back. 'And the conversation would devolve from there', into more and more outrageous teasing and jokes.

Basically, what I usually see, is a gay person will come up to me, and say, 'Hi! I'd like you to meet - Jim'(or Mary) And I say, 'Hi, Jim!(or Mary) It's great to meet you!' And I can just tell from how happy they seem together, that that's just fine. And that's all I need to think about.

If I am completely out of control or not thinking, and I somehow have to know if they are together, I'll say, 'Say, Joe, are you and Jim an item?' But in general, what I need to know is what people voluntarily tell me without being asked, and that's all I need to know.
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As long as you are living a life that you are comfortable with, and not hurting anyone else, in my opinion you are living a normal life, and no one else really has the right to judge you.

Some people have a problem recognizing or accepting that EVERYONE is different, an no one is "normal". That's what makes humanity so wonderful- with almost 7 billion different people on this planet, how could anything be defined as "normal", and how could we possibly want everyone to be like us, think like us, view the world the same way we do. How boring that would be, we'd be an ant colony and not a human race.
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Lovely and important conversation everyone, keep it up! What a great coincidence of events. Must have been an awesome day. Also, I think BYC should definitely have a chicken float next year. A crowing rooster could really country it up @ NYC pride.
Thanks mods.
You know, I've met some really nice straight people too! I even have some as neighbors!

Each couple chooses their own terminology. In general if gay couples are married, or view themselves as married you would have 2 "husbands" or 2 "wives." Many long time couples prefer "Partner" since marriage hasn't been been allowed for most. The safest bet, is to just ask. It's no more sensitive than asking a straight person if their significant other is a "boyfriend" or a "husband." Gay folks tend to have pretty thick skins.

My best friend Beth is gay, and has been a roomie off and on over the past decade with me and my wife. She's rather butch, slender, short hair, dresses like a boy. She's early 30's and gets mistaken for a 15 year old boy quite often. In her case she thinks it's absolutely funny to watch people squirm and be embarrassed when they make the mistake but is never mad or upset about it. Before I was married we used to go to the bar and our running bet was how many girls could we get to give us their REAL phone number..

Sadly she beat me just about every time...

Also, at least the gay community I hang around with, folks are blunt and brutally honest.. so a question such as yours (ewe) would totally be appropriate and met with seriousness.. And not taken out of context. My gay friends and family members are definitely the most ANTI-politically correct peeps I know and I love them to pieces!
Stiletto's Detroit was the spot where the first show I went to. After the show my friend and I sat back and split some pops with the performers. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard that I almost puked before that night. I agree with Kristy, it is nothing like you could imagine, and even better if you did imagine it.
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