Oakville High (High School RP) _See Staff Note in the "Rules"

Ross laid his head down on his desk, tired because he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. He closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep.
(Don't really know where to go from here XD)
(Oh, please Awesome. This character is based off of yours truly, do you really think that this won't go any where?)

Ailyss hit a wall in her creative flow, and let her head crash onto her desk, making a loud "bonk"
(Oh, please Awesome. This character is based off of yours truly, do you really think that this won't go any where?)

Ailyss hit a wall in her creative flow, and let her head crash onto her desk, making a loud "bonk"
Ross quickly sat up, and looked at Ailyss. "What was that for?" he groaned. "I was trying to sleep."
"I know." Said Riley still laughing. "I gotta go, see you later Archer." He said quickly waving to Archer before disappearing into the school building.

Archer grinned in amusement- partly the video, and partly Riley's laughter. The expression only faded a little when Riley announced his departure, and he answered, "Ok, later!" He raised a hand in a kind of none-moving wave. Turning to head to his first class, the bag swung lazily from Archers hand.
Luna slipped through the crowds of kids that had gathered outside, silent and apparently unoticed. Her long, naturaly raven black hair fell loosly over her back. It only took a minute for her to find her first class, and once there, she took a spare seat and set the purple bag that had been slung over her shoulders, onto the ground. Lunas ice blue eyes- eyes that somehow managed to apear soft despite their sharp colour- gazed around the room in one sweeping movement. There didnt seem to be that many people there yet, the girl thought

((Luna is open, if anyone wants to jump in :3))
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