oatmeal treat for the chickies!


chick magnet
16 Years
Jul 12, 2007
Newport, MI
1 cup oats
1 "shelled" hard boiled egg
1 yogurt cup
mixed fruit (banana's, strawberry's, blueberrys) No acidic fruit! (oranges, lemons)<<< stay away from these fruits

I was trying out different things and made this. now you can either mix it all toghether in a bowl or blend up the fruit and yogurt toghether then mix it in the bowl with the other ingredients. My chickens love it and hope yours will to
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Well when I first mde it none of them ate it. servings may be for 3 birds double it for every 3 birds you got. so 2 cups o yogurt and oats and 2 hard boiled egg for 6 birds. Mine eat it once a week. I never give it daily.
Well we just got our chicks yesterday, and wanted to find some treats to hand feed them, some of my questions are:

is this treat ok for the babies

what kind of yogurt to use, and can i use like fruit ones ( strawberry banana, blueberry, etc.)

Thanks soooooooo much!

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