Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

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Ridgerunner.....I quote the above from Cubalaya only to show the difference between someone with somewhat clear and reasoned thought (Ridgerunner) and a statement that should bring tears to any thinking persons eyes (Cubalaya). What I would like now is to hear several "Amens" to the thoughts stated by Cubalaya and then please explain to me how anyone can ever get to that thought process.

For someone who's visited every single Occupy site and done a scientific survey, you obviously get your news from some very closed websites....Obviously, you've never heard of The Drudge Report, which, for some reason, gladly links to all of the leftwing websites, as well as the right....Go to DailyKos and see if they reverse link back to conservative websites. What happened to whole Openminded meme, of the left?

Do you not know about Fast and Furious? An attempt at undermining the 2nd Amendment, under the guise of tracking guns sent to drug cartels, just to catch the bad guys....Those guns disappeared, immediately. Fortunately, one was recovered at the sight of a Border Patrol murder, and someone spilled the beans....Hundreds more are floating around Mexico, being used for murder and mayhem, by the drug cartels.

Of course, none of the press is going to report the real purpose of F&F because it would get labeled as a conspiracy, and everyone knows that conspiratorial thinkers are just whack.

How about Solyndra? Half a billion, that's $500,000,000 was given to a "Green" company, which was already failing, in order to try to prop up an idealogically driven agenda, which, on its face, can never meet the energy needs of this nation. That money is simply gone. Disappeared. And the company is out of business. Yet, the government is willing to pad the pockets of private investors, who lost their own money....Obviously, politically connected.

If you want fuzzy warm, buy a Snuggy.
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Now you're just inventing things to get riled-up about.

Citrus will be coming in, in Florida, mid Dec. The weather is nice, and I'm sure those OWSers enjoy the competitive world. Are they after a job or a free ride?
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