October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!


Thank you! Here's what the lightest egg looks like. It is really neat to see.
It's settled around 47%. I had some trouble with the humidity. I didn't know how much water to put in, so I put too much. It was at 40% until I put the eggs in. Then it was like 70%. I read about the dry hatch method. I took out almost all the water. I think there's just a few drops in it. But I'm in GA and it's humid. Hopefully that's not too high. It looks like 3 definitely have something going on in them and the other 2 might have something going on in them but their shells are hard to see through. They aren't even all that dark, just a light brown. :p Today's day 5, I believe.

One of the eggs I'm not sure of is polka dotty when I shine the light through it. Will it be ok or should I toss it?
It's settled around 47%. I had some trouble with the humidity. I didn't know how much water to put in, so I put too much. It was at 40% until I put the eggs in. Then it was like 70%. I read about the dry hatch method. I took out almost all the water. I think there's just a few drops in it. But I'm in GA and it's humid. Hopefully that's not too high. It looks like 3 definitely have something going on in them and the other 2 might have something going on in them but their shells are hard to see through. They aren't even all that dark, just a light brown. :p Today's day 5, I believe.

One of the eggs I'm not sure of is polka dotty when I shine the light through it. Will it be ok or should I toss it?

I remember how humid it is in Georgia, that is why I asked. I think dry is good! Having vents open might help it dry out in there... Maybe.

I wouldn't worry about tossing any eggs yet... It is too early. If an egg is questionable, I leave it in unless it starts to smell.

Everyday, I want to candle my eggs and everyday I resist! I try to just candle around day 7 and 18.
I'm using one of those foam incubators. I have one of the plug holes open. I didn't pick them up to look at them today. Just put the light next to them when I was turning them. I'm trying my best not to hurt the eggs, but I'm also super excited to see what's going on inside.

I was going to add some guinea eggs, but it doesn't look like my rooster is mating my guinea hens and I don't have a male one. I thought it'd be cool to get weird guinea/chicken babies. My rooster sure does love the other hens though.
Hi. I'm in Arizona and it's just now getting cool enough to start hatching. I'm starting my second hatch for this season (I hatch a couple each fall and spring). I just picked up a dozen local Ameraucanas and added to my mixes of RIR roo and hens are blue, black and wheaten copper marans, olive egger, RIR hen, black australorp and barred rock. Happy hatching
Hi. I'm in Arizona and it's just now getting cool enough to start hatching. I'm starting my second hatch for this season (I hatch a couple each fall and spring). I just picked up a dozen local Ameraucanas and added to my mixes of RIR roo and hens are blue, black and wheaten copper marans, olive egger, RIR hen, black australorp and barred rock. Happy hatching

I can see how the summer heat would not make for good hatching... I am glad you could join us! That is a nice variety you have and such pretty and colorful eggs!!
I'm using one of those foam incubators. I have one of the plug holes open. I didn't pick them up to look at them today. Just put the light next to them when I was turning them. I'm trying my best not to hurt the eggs, but I'm also super excited to see what's going on inside.

I was going to add some guinea eggs, but it doesn't look like my rooster is mating my guinea hens and I don't have a male one. I thought it'd be cool to get weird guinea/chicken babies. My rooster sure does love the other hens though.

Sounds good! I love to candle too.. It is my weakness, and I find my eggs do better the more I leave them alone, but it is so hard.

I didn't think a chicken could mate with a guinea..??. You would get guickens or chineas. Wow, spell check did not like those words!
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I can see how the summer heat would not make for good hatching... I am glad you could join us! That is a nice variety you have and such pretty and colorful eggs!!

Thanks! That's kind of what I'm going for. I know mine (not the ameraucanas in the middle) won't be purebred but hopefully they'll lay pretty colored eggs too.
Sounds good! I love to candle too.. It is my weakness, and I find my eggs do better the more I leave them alone, but it is so hard.

I don't think a chicken can mate with a guinea..??. You would get guickens or chineas. Wow, spell check did not like those words!

They can mate, they just usually don't. They make the weirdest looking birds. You can google it to see them.

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