October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

These are actually silkied Serama eggs. They are seramas with feathers like a Silkie! Here are the two new additions ...



I have silkies too though and have been hatching them like crazy! I have more hatching in a week and am hoping for paint chicks, maybe even a paint showgirl. :D

Oh wow, so pretty! I only have two showgirls and two silkies. The rooster is black, one pullet is white, and I think the other two are called splash. They have a black base with silvering on top. I wanted more colors, but that's all that hatched at the time

And I know you're right with the candling. I just have to show some self restraint. Lol.
Oh, goodness, what happened to the four? They couldn't be quitters after just one day. I have dropped duck eggs before... So sad.

Are they from your ducks?

I got them from someone. I think some of them were old. 1 was cracked when I got it, one was completely black inside, one exploded working the first hour of being incubated and it took the one next to it out. That was the most horrible smell I have ever experienced. I nearly threw up. I had to take everything out and clean the incubator.
But, now I have 15 heartbeats!!!!

Question though. When I candled, I noticed that one is cracked. It's developing just fine, but I'm worried about the crack. Should I get rid of it?
I got them from someone. I think some of them were old. 1 was cracked when I got it, one was completely black inside, one exploded working the first hour of being incubated and it took the one next to it out. That was the most horrible smell I have ever experienced. I nearly threw up. I had to take everything out and clean the incubator.
But, now I have 15 heartbeats!!!!

Question though. When I candled, I noticed that one is cracked. It's developing just fine, but I'm worried about the crack. Should I get rid of it?

Ooooh, incubator explosions, that is not good.

I am glad to hear there are 15 growing though! That is awesome!! For a crack, I have used candle wax, nail polish or tape. I think the first two are the best.
Hi. I'm in Arizona and it's just now getting cool enough to start hatching. I'm starting my second hatch for this season (I hatch a couple each fall and spring). I just picked up a dozen local Ameraucanas and added to my mixes of RIR roo and hens are blue, black and wheaten copper marans, olive egger, RIR hen, black australorp and barred rock. Happy hatching

What part of Arizona? I'm in kingman.
Today's day 7, so I measured the air cells. How do they look? It looks like 3 eggs are developing good, 1 doesn't look to be developing, and 1 not pictured is really dark and cloudy inside. That one has an air cell, veins, and a embryo, but the insides just look off to me. It's not translucent like the rest. I'm going to let it be for now. The porous one does have veins, it just didn't show up as well.

Now you are closer to me! lol I'm rural outside of the city of Maricopa.

Oh wow another Arizonan! I have my last hatch in the garage with a small white heat light, those big red ones get too hot. I think temp drops in the night but I have 15 chicks and they sleep in a pile, they'll go outside in a coop with the light in a few days.

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