October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

Those are great names! You won't know the silkies sex for a long time after they hatch anyway, so might as well name them random. I almost named mine when I saw the embryo wiggling around, but thought I'd be more upset if they didn't make it to hatch if I did.
Oh, thank you! Yes, I absolutely will be sad when named eggs turn out to be quitters.
But a good cry never did me any lasting harm.
So i can now see eyes in two of tthe three i have left and i think that the other one has a blood ring... i think but i will leave it just in case
So exciting! Bout that third one... after reading a post about someone who had a tossed-out egg hatch in the trash can, I will keep eggs as long as they don't smell. I'm still enough of a novice that I can't always be sure what I'm seeing.
My 4 eggs from group #1- are now filling almost 3/4 of the egg now, and I can still see movement in there when I candle them.

My 10 eggs from group #2- I am still not seeing anything interesting in them yet.

Yaaay! I only put in 4 eggs. 3 are fertile and on day 7 kicking and moving constantly! I hope all three hatch :)
Day 7 I just candled 2 and there's definitely chicks in there! I usually candle all of them and mark air cells but I'm not sure I'm going to do that. I have them in the auto turner and it's full, 41 eggs. I don't know if I can get each one out easily. It would take forever and the incubator will get cold. Does anyone not mark air cells? Any method for candling this many eggs in the auto turner? It's in the bathroom with windows so I usually take each one into the toilet part where it's dark and I can shut the door.
Day 7 I just candled 2 and there's definitely chicks in there! I usually candle all of them and mark air cells but I'm not sure I'm going to do that. I have them in the auto turner and it's full, 41 eggs. I don't know if I can get each one out easily. It would take forever and the incubator will get cold. Does anyone not mark air cells? Any method for candling this many eggs in the auto turner? It's in the bathroom with windows so I usually take each one into the toilet part where it's dark and I can shut the door.

Probably just candling random ones is sufficient... And smelling for bad eggs toward the end. You could wait till dark and just candle them all quickly without removing them. 41 is a lot of eggs to candle and mark. I don't mark air cells weekly. I dry incubate, so I can't make it any dryer and my eggs never loose too much moisture.

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