October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

Congrats on all the new babies!!
I apparently was worried too soon cause all but 4 cream legbar are showing veining now! Woo-hoo!! Same with the black copper marans. Interesting tho to see that my Saffires, who were set at the same exact time seem further developed??
I found a cracked egg that is developing. I hatched a cracked egg once by using Elmer's glue during incubation so I will try that on this egg too.
I got my olive eggers in today so I will be setting them tomorrow.
Can't wait to see these little fluffy butts.
So, here are sample pics from Day 7 candling (today). First pic: looks clear to me. I shall wait until Day 14, but does this look like it is not a fertile egg? . Second pic: Most of the eggs look like this, below. There is a stable air cell, and one side of the egg is darker/reddish. I am guessing/hoping that is a chick. Here is my winner! Only one egg had a distinct eye, strong veining, and a very active embryo moving around. Should they all have looked like this, or is it ok that most looked like pic 2 at Day 7?
I have a couple clear ones like that too. I'm assuming they are duds but leaving them for now just in case. We should be hatching about the same time my first set is just a day behind yours. =)
I have a couple clear ones like that too. I'm assuming they are duds but leaving them for now just in case.
We should be hatching about the same time my first set is just a day behind yours. =)
Yay! Happy to have a hatch buddy.
Got a pair of Isbars to test soon. How long do I have to wait after my pulley was in a pen with other roosters before I can incubate my eggs? She has been separated for only 5 days so far.
I am currently on day 3, and my temps hold steady when humidity is 30-40%. But if I add any warm water, my humidity jumps up to 90% and my temps crash, and are hard to stabilize until the humidity goes back down (12-24 hrs later). This morning I set up a humidifier in tge room with the incubator. I will leave it on, and stop messing with the water in the incubator until day 18. Then I will add a sponge and bring it up where it should be. Have any of you done this successfully in Northern California? I know lots of you dry incubate on the more humid east coast. Any advice?
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Batch #2 hatch so far: 7 of 8

(4)F3 7/8 Dark Cornish crossbred chicks white.
(3)F2 50DC/50CX two white(green marks)/one black tux
(1) unhatched unpipped

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Got a pair of Isbars to test soon. How long do I have to wait after my pulley was in a pen with other roosters before I can incubate my eggs? She has been separated for only 5 days so far.

I think it takes at least a couple of weeks for the previous roosters to get out of the system. So maybe 3 or so weeks to make sure you aren't getting mixes that you don't want??

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