October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

Ok y'all, what's going on? I set the legbars on the 1st. All but 4 showed veining. Lst night all but 4 of the 8 looked like quitters.. The ring of death. The saffires that were set at same time and in the same incubator are doing great.
Cute chick, mama did a nice job!
Good job, mama hen! Congrats on your cute chick
Decided to candle at Day 10, and I'm glad I did. I was able to see seven cute silkie chicks wiggling furiously! They just look great. The four eggs that looked clear still look absolutely clear.

(Uncanny moment: My son asked "Did you use any names from the tragedies?"
I realized that the eggs that I named after tragic characters are the ones that have no life: Antony, Cleopatra, Romeo and Mercutio. The eggs named from Shakespearean comedies are alive and well!)

Will wait and see about the upended egg with the detatched air cell. I just want to leave it alone now, to give it a chance.

Happy hatch-a-long to all!
Hoping for my Magnificent Seven Silkies around October 20.
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Whole lotta shakin' going on? Yay! When is your hatch date?
It's either today or tomorrow. The ihatch chicken app says today is hatch day. I set them on the 19th, so maybe it's tomorrow they are due. No pipping yet, so we'll see. I've very impatiently waiting. I hate not being able to touch or candle them.
It's either today or tomorrow. The ihatch chicken app says today is hatch day. I set them on the 19th, so maybe it's tomorrow they are due. No pipping yet, so we'll see. I've very impatiently waiting. I hate not being able to touch or candle them.

Especially when there are no pips, you can candle them to see if there are internal pips!
I spotted a pip! It's on the underside, so it could've been there earlier. Luckily I did not open the incubator. :-D This is so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.

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