October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

I finally did go get some sleep. When I woke up that chick was out of it's egg, but it is laying there resting now. It's still alive, though. The other 3 eggs from that batch haven't started to break out yet, that I can see. I have 9 more eggs due to hatch on next Monday. They are all going to be the blue Australorps. The mothers are the 1-year old black ones, and the father is my nice 6 month old Splash cockerel from the Rattlesnake Ridge Line (Kurt).
Baby silkies...

Those are adorable!
Sorry I haven't been on here much this HAL. Kids are home for fall break which eats my time but it'll be cool for them to see the hatch. I am on day 18 or 19 I'm not sure. I set Friday night September 23rd. I have 35 eggs in lock down. I filled the 2 wells up with water and the humidity was great about 68%. When I woke up this morning it was 78% and condensation in there. I'm thinking internal pips? It's dropped a little since then but hopefully don't drown them.
Baby silkies...

Those are to die for!!!

My Ayam cemnani eggs look good (except the one I dropped while candling,
. Waxed the cracks; we'll see what happens.) I am bummed out by the CCL eggs I got from Papas poultry. I got 8 and all but 1 have quit on me. Can't wait for lockdown, though. Got a bunch of eggs due this weekend. Super excited!!!!

I feel your pain... Im down to 5 CCL eggs. =( all the really blue eggs quit. All I have left is some greener looking ones, I'm so sad.
Baby silkies...

Those are to die for!!!

My Ayam cemnani eggs look good (except the one I dropped while candling,
. Waxed the cracks; we'll see what happens.) I am bummed out by the CCL eggs I got from Papas poultry. I got 8 and all but 1 have quit on me. Can't wait for lockdown, though. Got a bunch of eggs due this weekend. Super excited!!!!

I feel your pain... Im down to 5 CCL eggs. =( all the really blue ones quit. The ones still living are really green looking eggs. So sad.
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Turned the eggs at 12 all was well. Decided to check them at 6:30 and found that someone unplugged them. The eggs were cold. Please tell me they can survive this. Nobody is owning up to unplugging my incubators... Can't say thst I blame them... I am so not happy.
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