October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

OK. Thanks guys. I have 3 more since then. So cool. It's awesome to watch. The kids are loving it, it's basically our adventure for today. And mother in law came too. I gave a lady I don't know 2 dozen eggs for free for her school project, I love that kids get to experience it.

I am happy to hear that they are still hatching!

After laying on his side all day and looking like he would die any minute; he got up and started to walk around. I now have guarded hope. The sad part is I almost pulled the plug three times. I hate watching them suffer; but I left him alone. We will see how determined he is. He was determined to ask for help by pipping his own breather hole on the wrong end. He was determined to rest until he could muster the strength to stand. He is very small compared to the others.
this morning 10/14/16 at 7:30am
What a sweet looking chick. I think she'll be ok. Sounds like a fighter.
Picked up a new brooder plate for my hatchlings I am expecting this weekend or early next week. Anyone who used them before have any tips?

Lockdown tomorrow!!!!!!
My cayuga duck eggs went into lockdown today, but one is already pipping and the rest have internally pipped. Are they going to be ok? Isnt' it too early?

That is all good! I often have some pipping, internally at least, by day 25 or 26. Ducklings take longer to hatch than chicks, it is just a more drawn out process. I am so excited for you!!
Ok I think my hatch is about over. I have 28 chicks and one still hatching (6 no signs of life). The rest I put in a broader I just set up using my old incubator lid because my heat lamp broke. I hope that works, it's on the base of a guinea pig cage with a screen lid on the other half. I'll have to get another light and move them in a day or so into their big coop. Pics are kinda dark, here's a few of them (rir, bcm, black sex link, ameraucana, OE), I'm not sure exactly who's who.

Ok I think my hatch is about over. I have 28 chicks and one still hatching (6 no signs of life). The rest I put in a broader I just set up using my old incubator lid because my heat lamp broke. I hope that works, it's on the base of a guinea pig cage with a screen lid on the other half. I'll have to get another light and move them in a day or so into their big coop. Pics are kinda dark, here's a few of them (rir, bcm, black sex link, ameraucana, OE), I'm not sure exactly who's who.


That is a pretty great hatch, especially considering the heat fluctuations!! So many cute chicks!! :jumpy :ya :jumpy

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