October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

A couple of my Saffires have hatched chipmunked striped. I contacted the seller.. And she said she must have sent me Brown leghorns by mistake

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.. I'm leaning towards the latter. It's been a whole lot of stress and worry getting these babies here for some to be leghorns. Am I over reacting?

That is crazy. Is she going to resend the eggs? Sapphire eggs are blue aren't they?
Thank you 'darkbluespace'. Tipping the incubator will be even easier! And then on day 18 I take them out and lay the eggs flat don't I?

This hatch will be bitter-sweet as Artemis Fowle, my Barred Rock roo, literally fell over dead from a probable cardiac arrest. Mind you, he was 8 years old!
Thank you 'darkbluespace'. Tipping the incubator will be even easier! And then on day 18 I take them out and lay the eggs flat don't I? 

This hatch will be bitter-sweet as Artemis Fowle, my Barred Rock roo, literally fell over dead from a probable cardiac arrest. Mind you, he was 8 years old!

Some people hatch them upright, some people lay them flat. Flat is better if any pip the wrong end.

Sorry about your roo, but sounds like he had a good long life!
Thank you :)

I love this website.....other people who are chicken lovers. I get some really weird looks from my workmates when I bring up chicken conversations at the morning tea table!

I have a broody who I put eggs under this morning, and an incubator full of Barred eggs. If they hatch, Mumma hen is going to have a big family to look after!
That is crazy. Is she going to resend the eggs? Sapphire eggs are blue aren't they?

She has yet to offer to do so. =( yes they are blue.

Thank you 'darkbluespace'. Tipping the incubator will be even easier! And then on day 18 I take them out and lay the eggs flat don't I? 

This hatch will be bitter-sweet as Artemis Fowle, my Barred Rock roo, literally fell over dead from a probable cardiac arrest. Mind you, he was 8 years old!

That is sad! Hope you're hatch goes good!
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Congrats on the hatchlings!!! Sent the wrong eggs...? Ugh hopefully she will offer to send you more!!! My PO scrambled orps are being resent for shipping cost which is super nice. They had no shot one is still trying but I doubt it will make it... The entire membrane came out when I opened the others
Congrats on the hatchlings!!! Sent the wrong eggs...? Ugh hopefully she will offer to send you more!!! My PO scrambled orps are being resent for shipping cost which is super nice. They had no shot one is still trying but I doubt it will make it... The entire membrane came out when I opened the others

That stinks! I hope they will send me some more. I'm not getting that many to hatch as it is for some to be leghorn. Doesn't seem fair to me.
Ok so the olive eggers are supposed to go into lock down today. However, they seem to have liquid above the air cell line. What is up? I did a dry incubation.

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